Thursday, January 23, 2025

Sometimes I am happy to wear the label 'Christian'

 On inauguration day I was supremely and surprisingly blessed by a 15 minute homily given to one of the most powerful and wealthy groupings ever . 

Rev Mariann Edgar Budde, a woman no less, thank God, spoke humbly and bravely in the name of, and for the sake of, our God without trembling or tremor.

For me it was light in the midst of our present occluded Christianity, a radiant display of the power of our God, humbly and bravely spoken. 

She is my definition of prophet.

As a friend said, "Some people only care what God thinks."

here is the link to that event

Friday, December 27, 2024

the only message i want to hear this Christmas season

 this is my Christmas message

Rev Dr Munther Isaac is a Christian Minister in Bethlehem, the town in which Jesus was born

his is one of the tragically very very few who are willing to speak to the Horror of the Palestinian Event happening for the last 14 months, a genocidal ethnic cleansing, occurring within our very sight, live, perpetrated by a people that take the name 'Israel' in vain

it has been a shocking shock to me to observe the blanket-silence from the Western Pulpit, particularly among American Evangelicals, as my last post attests

this is, in my mind, my opinion, a blasphemy among the Church of Jesus Christ, and it will forever stain Its reputation, and that worldwide, across the religious spectrum, attracting vitriol and disgust, as it should

Jesus weeps

i have refused to sit through a Christmas service this year - sadly, i could think of none in this town that is willing to defend God in Jesus, and Jesus' take on the obvious horror that is ensuing

here is the youtube link to his 20-minute Christmas message
(the poor sound quality is corrected about 6 minutes in)

peace to you

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Why I am Fasting from Church

Last Christmas we were celebrating the Advent of our Christ in the context of over two months of the Madness in Gaza.

I had been squatting in that mind-bending reality and struggling, flailing around in some muckish swamp. I did not have words to express how I was feeling. I simply could not understand why I felt the way I did. It was a mystery to me.

I recognized some weeks later that it was a grieving, a weird occurrence in my life for such an event. Apparently, what was happening was deeply personal.

Over the subsequent weeks I tried my best to figure out why this was affecting me in this way.
I had a history in the Church from when I was a child. I took my faith to be an integral part of my life. I am 67 years old now, and have spent the major part of my life studying and learning the Bible. That study was 
initially rooted in a fundamentalistic Baptist environment, and that limited the scope of my thinking.
I managed to escape that sphere and forayed into a broader, deeper consideration of my Christianity.

Since then, I have come to the position that Jesus, the Christ of G-d, the promised Messiah of the Jews, is the very root and center of everything I believe relating to my faith and practice. 
The upshot of that is that anything in the Bible, both from the Hebrew First Testament and the Christian Second Testament, must align favorably with the person, the teachings, the attitude, and the behavior of Jesus; such that anything there that does not fit well with that approach I regard to be questionable and must be treated as subservient, subject to some other explanation.

Apart from this conclusion as to why I was experiencing this so deeply, I also came to the position that God had laid this burden on me. I had no other explanation or understanding, for it has been an aspect of my life every day since October 7, 2023, and that not of my choosing.

I had to be honest with myself. I consider integrity to be a signal aspect of my life, such that when I am not in alignment with my Self and who I am as a human and as a follower of Jesus, then I am adrift, and in violation of my humanity, one rooted in the image and likeness of the Creator G-d.


Aside from the unbelievable tragedy of the brutality of the modern nation/state, 'Israel–so–called', my amazement lies in the widespread refusal of the Church to call-out 'israel' for its in-humanity. Further to that, not only has the church refused to take that stand, It actually supports and encourages what is happening. And this paradox, in my mind a Hell–inspired manifestation of a learned propagandistic ideology, is staggering. I simply cannot reconcile or understand it. And it gnaws at the bones of my being.

For a community called-out by G-d and formed in the history of the Israel into which the Church is grafted (Romans 11:17), a second manifestation of the desire of G-d for a people to faithfully represent and exemplify the character of G-d to the nations at large, we, the Church, have failed and are failing as miserably as Israel has done. And I am at a complete loss.
I am faced with the virtually incomprehensible fact that I live and move and have being within a community that, for the major part, remains silent, and therefore is complicit in the wickedness that is happening.

It should be obvious from what I have already said about what I believe that this particular Happening stands-out from the other atrocities occurring in our world today, some of which are just as horrifying. As I said, Israel and the Church of Jesus Messiah are integral to any Christian understanding of who this Creator G-d is. So that to respond in anything other than total and direct opposition to the travesty that is occurring, and to state that publicly from the pulpit is, in my mind, untenable, and blasphemy.

That the rest of the World looks on in revulsion at the obvious intent of Israel-so-called to entirely eradicate the indigenous population of Palestine, appropriating Its land and resources for itself in a Colonialist fashion, ethnically cleansing and genocidally purging all human life, including infants, implicates Christianity as a consequence and further, disastrously, the Christ of Christ-ianity, my Lord and my G-d. 
I too am implicated.
This breaks me.

The ignorance of the indoctrinated Church in the West as to the marked difference between a Jew and a Zionist is tragically obvious.

There have been and are preachings and teachings from church pulpits enlisting the congregants to support 'israel' as a default response. This is amazing, but follows naturally from the 100+ years of the theology that derives from Darby-inspired End Times philosophy, the Scofield Study Bible, the Left Behind phenomenon, Dispensationalism, and such, an infection we are yet to doctor and recover from. But, as Jesus said, unless we recognize our sickness, he cannot heal us.

It goes without saying that my position has put me in a tentative, and sometimes conflicting, understanding with not only Church community, but other relations as well. And perhaps that is why it has taken me so long to say what I am now saying. It is costly, but I have come to the position that as long as I sidestep my integrity in pursuit of community, I am mis-aligned and denying the Spirit of the Christ who lives in me.
I hate conflict, and I do not intend to cause offence. But this needs to be said, not only as a response to the Church's response to Israel-so-called, but for the sake of who I am in Christ.

A central part of my understanding of who Jesus is lies in his mandate in the Sermon on the Mount, found in Matthew 5-7. There Jesus gave several illustrations to depict his core teaching of love for our neighbor. 
He eventually came to the surprising, radical statement that love in its purest form is exemplified in love for one's enemy. 

It is significant to note that when Jesus spoke these words he was addressing the Jews of his day, of whom he was one, who were then under occupation by the brutal Roman empire. The upshot of that was that Jesus expected his followers to love the people who were oppressing them, and further to show that love by their behavior.
That philosophy blatantly stands out in the current situation.

Further, consider that a major aspect of Jesus submitting himself to the violence of Humanity is to overthrow that violence for the sake of his humanity and the Humanity that he created as the Expression of G-d in human form, the very Word of G-d (John 1:1).
We murdered him for that.

I have finally come to the position that silence is no longer an option, and I repent for my reticence. 

I pray that we, the Church, awake from our slumbering and blindness.

There is more in me that could be said, but I rest.

peace to you

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

the integrity of Jesus, Son of Human

 there's this woman …

she's quite ill, suffering from some sort of bleeding for 12 years…
she's exhausted her finances, trying to find some form of healing…
she's traumatized

there's this man, named Jesus, and the word is that he's been healing people…

there's this day that Jesus comes close, across the sea, and she hears of it and makes her way there…

there's this crowd, bustling, no doubt all anxious to see, and maybe hear, and maybe receive healing…
but she is desperate - "I have to get to him! "

there's the struggle to weave her way to him, jostled, pushed, pushing, amid the mobbish mass… she persists…her hurting is too great to let this be taken away…

"I must get to him!! " ..

"There! I see him! "…

squeezing her way through, she is pressed on every side, and just as she nears him she falls from the press…
undeterred, just behind him as he pauses, she is within arm's reach of his feet, and reaches out between the sandaled feet of the throngers, touching the fringe of his clothing…

!!!! instantly it's stopped…
her entire world stopped in abject astoundment by the interposition of an otherworldly force in this man…

she stopped bleeding out on that spot, in that instant, for her infirmity had been healed…

trauma displaced…

Creator had healed her?
yes        indeed


a poignant consideration evolves…
?  did Jesus heal this woman without intending?

there was no aforethought in the mind of Jesus that he would encounter and heal this woman this day
not even just prior…
it happened apart from his knowing
GodFather had given him no 'warning', no heads-up, no direction… 

this is markedly different from Jesus' purposeful interaction with the Samaritan woman at the well, or his intentional visit with the lame man at the pool of Bethesda

he had no idea…

how on earth does that work?

he healed the sickened, purposefully he fed the hungry, purposefully he even raised the dead
      with intent

how is it that he healed her unintentionally?
      his mind not engaged
      his will not directed
how is that even possible?

apparently this was an unusual occurrence, given the tone of the text…
Jesus, immediately she was healed, asks "who touched me?!" ...
the mere posing of the question raises questions in our mind ("isn't this God?" being one)… we expect him to know, and further, to have known before the deed…

of course the disciples are taken back by his question – "how do you expect us to know that? we are crowded-in on every side"…

Jesus then says "I felt power go out of me "…

somehow, without expecting it, something integral to who Jesus is was unexpectedly subtracted, shared, given out, taken…
and it surprised him…

imagine the integrity of this person who did not rely on his divinity or divine influence, but by the sheer integrity of his humanity was fully able to bring healing naturally, almost as natural as breathing…

this incident, in my mind, challenges us to investigate our own being, to find our inner core and see if we ourselves live out of a natural compassion for our human relations, a compassion forged in the godly fire of love

like Jesus does

peace to you

Thursday, December 9, 2021

i ask for peace .. a plea to the One Who Cares

here sit i
in my warm comfy clothing ..
in this intimate-y coffee shop with my connected cell and a worthwhile book ..
with the chatter from the adjoining restaurant serving up multicolored 'noise' to drown-out my barking mind pointing long fingers in my direction 

i sit here while un-counted others roam the streets and find lodging in public spaces to while-away their seemingly endless cycle of surviving the encroaching insanity of nothing solid, no fixed place, no acceptance, no fitting-in, nothing to rely on or fall back on
no hope ..  

in my comfort and security i dare not disregard my family, living in their insecurity and the constant threat of violence and aggression which could jump out from anywhere anytime ..
the level of stress underpinning such existence surely is degenerative, not merely emotionally and mentally, but physically, at the level of the gut, pulsing poison into every operating system of their body
and too soul-ly, questioning the very existence that screams cruelly in their face, mouth stretched wide, opening dark ominous avenues that lead down, only down, cavernous void spilling death-scented vapors into my atmosphere 

how on earth do they endure the night, tonight, tomorrow night, tomorrow's tomorrow night?
are they impervious to the never-ending flow of putridity drowning their present-space wherever they happen to be? 

do i realize the brave-ity required to get up out of my night-space and to face the oncoming traffic     again, on this another dread day ?
there is a certain resilience, a rebellious resistance to the daily challenge to my integrity, my sense of self-worth, my own estimation of Me as a human ..

how long does it take for that to unravel, leaving me threadbare, skin-on-bone, bereft of any substance, like some wispy tumbleweed blown across hot dry shadeless spaces, no place to lodge? 
a determination lies there, a persistent intention to not let the indistinctiveness of my existence force me over the edge into freefall .. down down into the dread darkness of the gaping mouth where Death lives 

i must respect that nobility of spirit that calls every morning with the cock's crow to get-up, straighten-up, pick-up, and head face-first into the oncoming hopelessness
there's grit there 


and then there are those whose mind slowly folds-in on itself as the shadows grow longer, darker, struggling desperately to deny that this could really be reality, the way things are
and so they develop friendships with their other Selves, thereby revoking their relationships, finding solace in conversations with their shadow-intimates ..
it's just become too much to continue processing, day after day, night after night, confrontation after confrontation, resistance to their Being staring them in the face with a big "NO!" wrapped in a speech bubble
.. life simply shouts "NO!" 

as i sit enjoying the opportunity to spill my mind on paper, knowing that tonight's 30s will be eased by the conditioned space where i dwell ..      what is my relation to those, my friends, my human family, who will steel themselves against the night's demons, staring into a dark sleepingbag or blanket, praying no one challenges your tenure here in this place tonight?      whether flashing blue light or desperate desperado

what should my motivation be?       my attitude?       my intention?   ? 

i ask for mercy of the One who lives there with them in that bag, and body-warmth, and comfort, and peace 

i ask for peace

      in Jesus' name

Monday, May 24, 2021

not 1 ..

 we want so much to be my individual self ..
"i can only think me, be me ..
   how else could i be?" 

and God marks it out from the beginning ..
2, not 1
a people, not Abraham or Isaac or Jacob
   or David or ..
a nation
a kingdom
   of priests
a body
   of parts 

specifically, God says, from early on (Lev. 19:18),
   "you shall love your neighbor as yourself"

not 1
1 is 'not good'
"i will make another .. and the 2 shall be 1"

i am a body-part
part of a body
   the Body of Christ

one body
   of me's 

we say
   I am not you
   you are not me" 


Trinity says
"behold .."

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

sounds of nature ..

 not absence of sound
     just no intrusive sound

sound of sounds that fit
     tweets and twitters and softened footfalls 
          on dried leaves
     a dog's pant
     the thrump-thrump of a blooded soul
          alive to the silent sounds of a live nature
     the valiant cry of a hawk in glide
     fresh-green moss growth
     gazillions of small white flowers
          blood-streaked where the stamen lay 
          at just this altitude               
               hardly another to be found
                    up or down

the wicked sound of gunshots
     betray the silence

and the responding deathly silence
     silences the silent sounds for a breath, or 3
     and then they venture abroad again


and i am delightedly human ..