don't like trouble
or confrontation
i walk away
the everpresent 'but' ..
there are a few things i'm taking-on
and won't let go until ..
i've been around a bit, seen a few
i take a large suitcase with me when i move
full of stuff i learned as a younger human when i was
soaking-in the world around me
a lot of that stuff is religious stuff
and it's heavy, specially at this stage of life when i need to be travelling light ..
some of it i've already dumped, replaced with a lighter burden
but some of it is inprocess stuff that i'm working through
.. i figure if i'm not working through something in my life
i'm dying a death
i used to take the position that this was cleancut blackandwhite law
laid down a few thousand years ago
and, well, you know .. nothing changes ..
and there's a huge badass god hovering with a huge badass flyswatter policing my stuff 24/7 ..
and then Jesus walks in and ..
.. how do i face him with this animosity ..
me and my flyswatter
just waiting in the shadows
for someone (or me) to break this rule or affirm that think
like i was god or something .. .
so, ya ..
there's that
and there's me living in this 'ere ' Christ-haunted south ' (Flannery O'Connor) trying to keep my mind's mouth shut in the face of the fried-in derivative fundamentalism, more recently labeled 'evangelicalism'
knowing that when i do say anything off-color i'm going to get spanked by someone who likes their luggage just the way it is thank you ..

and i get to say my mind here .. that's what blogging is about
and for me not to say my mind = me lying, and i'm not much into that
.. so if you get offended at something i say, i'm sorry you're offended, but i'm working on trying to become more like this person i've committed to follow, the only one i pledged allegiance to
and he has a certain attitude about this stuff that i'm dealing with
which doesn't easily fit-in with the going standard evangelical
a button i don't wear anymore
or the fundamentalist one either ..
i prefer his yoke thanks
so, just to be upfront and all
to 'come out', as it were
here are some things i'm working on
as in, trying to find the mind of Christ on them
race and white privilege
this tops, because there is massively serious kickback for raising the issue
lgbtqi christians
are they ?
women preaching/teaching
should they ?
affirm ?
exceptions ?
inerrancy and infallibility of the bible
to step on my theological toes
Jesus, the human
my greatest challenge ever
the reason i'm chasing this stuff down the rabbithole is that there's good reason for me to think that Jesus' take on it may be quite different than mine has been
and i owe it to Jesus and to those people i've been fingerpointing to reassess, rethink, and to be reckless enough with the standard fundamentalist take to be willing to change me
change me
.. regardless of what anyone else thinks
there's only one person i will fall for, give it all up for ..
everyone else has to kinda lineup behind him ..
so if/when i spill my stuff on this blog
be understanding ..
i'm not stepping on you ..
in fact i'm more likely stepping on me
i'm simply sharing my think, because perhaps someone else is working on that thing too
and maybe something i said is worth something to them on their journey
after all, .. i'm just human
in pursuit of the Human
peace to you
and love