i know that i know..
that original Easter sunrise threw a shadow across the ground He walked on
just as it had done for 30-odd years ..
i know He rose in that body in which He was there laid
albeit changed somehow
now imbued with immortality ..
it still bears re-mentioning
calling it up to the surface of my mind ..
perhaps even though i know
i tendtowantto believe that the person that ascended into the heavens 40 days later was
somehow ethereal spirit portraying body ..
and so it calls for a reinforcing of the solid truth that there, seated now next to God
as Right Hand,
is the undeniable, recognizable body that hung from that dread tree, scars and all
and that those feet will walk and those arms reach out to embrace this body
whenever it is we meet ..
“ this same Jesus “ ..
it is a resurrected Son Of Man
human in every respect
gloried with the very same ‘glory’ He had with GodFather
before the world was formed and that by His own ‘hands’ ..
before the first human breathed their first breath ..
and we shall be like Him
and we shall recognize Him
and ourselves in Him
when we see Him as He is
then we will know as we never really knew
that bears remembering
peace and joy to you
Christ is risen
this represents my musings as a disciple seeking balance on the way to centre in Jesus
Monday, April 22, 2019
Friday, April 19, 2019
pause ..
i just don't want to
walk by
or run by
the cross
in a mad rush
towards sunday
trying to bury
before its time
a holy time
holy space
shoes off
bare feet
bared me
in the terrible suspense ..
no light
a cosmic pause
a still
no thing moves
no thing speaks
all of everything gasps

time rests its timeless tic
as this solitary human
stretches his love
wide across the universe he formed
embracing it all
resting it
absorbing all the suffering pain cries
disappointment futile hurt lostness
alone ache bondage abuse groans
confusion abandon
in his own frail body
poured out
. ... .. . .
. . . ..
in hope
of that joy
that lay ahead ..
sharing the glory again
having brought many many with him
walk by
or run by
the cross
in a mad rush
towards sunday
trying to bury
before its time
a holy time
holy space
shoes off
bare feet
bared me
in the terrible suspense ..
no light
a cosmic pause
a still
no thing moves
no thing speaks
all of everything gasps

time rests its timeless tic
as this solitary human
stretches his love
wide across the universe he formed
embracing it all
resting it
absorbing all the suffering pain cries
disappointment futile hurt lostness
alone ache bondage abuse groans
confusion abandon
in his own frail body
poured out
. ... .. . .
. . . ..
in hope
of that joy
that lay ahead ..
sharing the glory again
having brought many many with him
Friday, April 5, 2019
lenting .. " yes "
i wonder at Jesus' ponderings as his mind went before him
his imagination forming
and that blood
must surely have raced through his excited heart
chasing his thoughts ..
i wonder what You 2 spoke about in those last days ..
how did You manage to encourage him
as he sat under the olive tree on the rise across the way
the stars, the grass, the night watchers .. ?
surely something in him remembered the days of old
before he was born
when you 2 lived and moved and had being
together presenced .. .
surely as he grew into humanhood
his heart recognized in Your daily presence
a familiarity that stretched beyond his Earthdays ..
Your Voice familiar somehow
even if his mind couldn't reach out that far ..
the comforting assurance of the Spirit's filling-full fullfilling ..
the resounding acknowledgment when You said
" this is my son beloved!
IAM most pleased with him " ..
the reassuring responses when he stretched himself out
under the still-dark morning sky
and spoke expectantly inYour direction
or simply commenting on something
that happened a few hours ago ..
knowing Your heavenly-fatherly Voice
would not at all tarry in reply ..
yes .. jerusalem was there
up ahead
and the prospect of that dogged his shadow ..
but the day-shadows grew, and the night approached ..
things needed to be done while it was still day ..
the Light of the world
set his mind as a flint
as his mind turned towards jerusalem
yes .. . .
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