if we're going to accept the biblical accounting of both the comprehensive attack on Jesus
and his unviolated purity in response to that attack
then we're going to have to face the fundamental challenge to our minds

from a human standpoint ..
and he was human
say that again
to believe that Jesus was 'tempted in all points as we are'
while free from submission to any temptation
is a mind warp for us in our fallenness ..
but it is a necessary faithhold ..
we need it
because the source of our comfort in the attacks we ourselves face is the robust understanding that this Son of Humanity (Son of Man) understands our specific plight
because he himself was confronted in every way that we are confronted
and successfully endured
( read Hebrews 4:14,15 )
let that soak in
selah ~
there is great comfort in that
and hope
and energy ..
our Liberator is not an advisor
he is our Forerunner
he has gone the distance
a far greater distance than we will ever understand or experience
so then
we can trust this Jesus
to walk with us in understanding through our stuff
postscript :-
the thing that makes Christianity so different
is the present caring intimacy of Jesus in our human experience