where could I go to get away from You
run from Your face .. ?
where indeed?
if I fly through space to some far galaxy
You ..
dig my way to Sheol
You ..
spread my wings and fly as far as the horizon
You led me there by the hand ..
I could fold myself into the darkest darkness
You still find me
.. night is as day to You ..
You know me so well
You know everything about me
my coming and my going
my descent into sleep and my rising from bed ..
You know what I'm thinking even before I think the thought ..
You know every place I go and how I got there
I can't even get a word in edgewise
You already know what I'm going to say ..
You're out front
You're behind me
You surround me
covering me with Your hand
this stuff is off the charts
I have no way of comprehending it
You even knew me when I was in the womb growing into me ..
You did that - transform me into the complex intricate me that I am
You are wonderful for sure ..
somehow You knew me even before I am ..
and the fact that You even think about me at all is enough to make me fuzzy-headed
how do I even process all of this?
(Ps 139, in part)