who cares .. it needs saying nuff times
especially to my self
until we get to the point where we live matthew 5, 6 and 7, summarized succinctly in these verses
But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be provided for you. Therefore don’t worry about tomorrow, because tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.
until we do, we have no real basis for claiming to be disciples of Jesus
.. . . .
one person caught in his wisdom said once that we need to ' abandon ' our selves and our lives to God
dead on
what Jesus said in those verses is deceptively simple
it seems simple on the face of it, and yet it is bursting with implications for us as people living life
it's a distraction from the life God has for us
it has taken me 50-some years of hard-headedness and determination-to-make-things-happen to begin to fathom those waters
and there is much much depth yet to plumb ..
but i've begun, and i aim to keep beginning it
thing is
either the God who is my God does and will do what he says

and if not
he's not God
the only real and reasonable way to know that
is to walk that
live that
believe that
act on that word
anything else is pissin' in the wind
to me, if anything means anything, then i have to walk that
i have to
the upshot of that is i am not responsible for me ..
as long as i'm walking the disciple road
following Jesus as best i can
moving in his direction amidst my stumbles and fumbles and doubts
then my wellbeing is God's business, not mine
read that ..
if i can untangle my mind to see that
and bring my focus there
living life by faith in God
= every moment
then i can trust that God for my ' daily bread '
if not
i am, of all people, most miserable
most frustrated
most delusional
most lost-in-space
but if i'm right
he got my back
that translates into
i don't worry about
or my safety in any situation
check it: at whatever point(s) i don't trust God
it is precisely there that he is not God to me
mine is to follow Jesu and leave all of that to him
my ' life verses '
trust in the Lord with all your heart and don't rely on your own understanding;
in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight ..
that's how Jesus did it
we like to say " of course ! he is God; he can do anything "
but the Son of Man did it by relying on the Father while he was here
for everything, all the time
he learned obedience ( Hebrews )
he is my rabbi
that's how i'm trying to do it
shalom to you
I'd say you're more than "trying to do it".