capitalists looking to step on whoever so that their own brand of 'the strong survive' flourishes, spreading their econothink to other nations through pipelines of the mighty US$
religionists stepping on each other to prove whose god is god, at times using weapons to drive home their particular brand of truth
money moving powers into and out of power,
the wealthy dexterously investing to extend their wealth to become more wealthy, often at the cost of people ..
forever guarding their turf, allthewhile looking to expand and extend, to powerfy themselves
and allthewhile the less fortunate, the less rich, the less powerful suffer as pawns in the game, shifted from square to square, eaten and disposed of, sacrificed as needed to achieve the strategy of domination and subjugation, power at any cost ..
allthewhile some 90+ % of humans are deprived of one thing or another in the realm of basichumanneeds
it's a deadening dance that numbs the soul; a slow-motion explosion that ravishes the ecosystem and the humansystem, that leaves nothing sacred, nothing unworthy of sacrifice for the ultimate god - ownership/domination/power
the need to segregate
to dominate
to rule over
to be somebody
... .
¿ and then, to whom will all those things belong ? after you have built your empire, and the God of all the Earth requires an accounting of you
of us
of me ?
it's a ruinous environment that will suck the very life out of a person, bringing with it depression and ultimately a what's-it-all-for resignation
perhaps a deathwish ..
¿ how do i, a one-person, staunch that typhoon looking to drown the worldasweknowit
while we enclose ourselves in our own little empires
of homespace
¿ what on earth can I do?
I, like me like
little inconsequential me
amid that absolutely intimidating avalanche of madness
war looms on every news channel
people die in staggering numbers every day, every hour, for bombs and their aftermath of disruption disease disparagement and depression, hunger and thirst, the need for shelter from that badnasty storm of empire, destroying everything that stands in its path
death and destruction
? what can i do .. ? ??
for one thing
i can help the one that crosses my path
rather than looking the other way, or pretending i didn't see
or pretending I didn't
or excusing my self for one reason or another
for another thing
i can pray for peace
for another
i can encourage those around me to do likewise
basically i can try to be like my master
take his approach
follow his Way
not giving in to the madness and the stress
remembering always that he opened the door and stands there smiling
.. that's the ray of Sonshine that breaks through the darkness
the kingdom of God advances
slowly maybe, mustardseed like
but advance it does
through the likes of us
each one of us
one by one
.. even me