why pray ..
¿ huh ?
well, why do you pray
.. because i'm talking to God
¿ what does that mean exactly ?
well.. i mean, i'm talking to God .. i'm telling God stuff and asking for things and thanking him ..
cool .. ¿ so when you tell God stuff, does he already know it ?
well of course he does ! he's God !
so God already knows the things you'll say, but you tell him anyway .. ¿ tell me, when you ask God for stuff, does God already know you need it ?
yes ..
¿ so why doesn't God simply give it to you ?
because we have to ask .. that's the way it works .. i don't understand what you're doing. ¿ are you implying we shouldn't pray ?
no. i'm simply wondering what prayer is and why we pray .. and does it accomplish anything if God already knows what he's going to do, what we're going to ask, what we need .. ¿ why pray ?

¿ ok.. so his will won't be done unless you pray ?
well .. no .. i mean yes ! of course God's will will be done
¿ so why pray if it will, and if your not praying for it can't stop it, why pray for it ?
¿ what ??!
¿ if God's will is going to get done regardless, why pray about it at all ? or about anything for that matter
.... . .
¿ does praying matter ?
¿ does prayer make any difference in the way things turn out ?
just sayin' ..
think on it
if God is in control, and he has a specific plan for everything, including you and me, and nothing happens that he has not determined ti happen .. . .
¿ why pray ?
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