while most of us who've experienced it dread it for it's often depreciating effects on our souls
there lies within that cavern potential for growth, for strength, maybe for a deeper understanding of who i really am
who am i
really ..
the rocket-fueled madness we in the west call ' life ' offers scarce room for it
that, coupled with the fear of facing my self in those dark, seemingly-endless spaces
- why go there ?!!
bars the door to what could be an opening to my broader self
a self that lies mostly dormant in the deep of whoever it is i am ..
noone goes there, barring the spirit of the Almighty ( an alarming thought )
we don't choose aloneness much
but the privilege of choosing that
albeit welcoming the sounds of nature
although the introspection, reflection and meditation
bear heavy baggage
as i walk those black halls, musty corridors
stare at scary locked rooms
is one we might well consider taking advantage of ..
let them come, in the heavy blasts of their huge wings, the sickening smell as they swoop past, the terrible shrieking ..
they are my tormentors
and they are
i have to run !
now !!
back to that space over there on top that flat rock table
where the Light bores through
where there's warmth
and i can see
there i'll recover from the dark
find my balance after the horror of that room
in the Light
later, maybe i'll again find a spark of courage to leave that circle of Light again
back into the dark
in search of another room
.. . . . .
the end of that cycle can be a stronger, maturing me,
formed from the dares, the scary challenge, the flint-will to go there
on tiptoes
maybe i'll get back
or not
but i have to go
.. . . . .
I come to the garden alone
the dew is still on the roses ..
there's this voice i hear, falling gently on my ear ..
God speaks
and the sound of His voice is so sweet
the birds hush their singing
walks with me, talks with me
tells me I am His own ..
I’d stay in the garden with Him
though the night around me be falling
but God's voice bids me go
midst those cries of woe ..
a voice to me is calling
[ my edited version of an old hymn ]
Yes, but those of us who live our lives there can not escape it or the depression it brings.
ReplyDeleteyes .. there is a difference between being alone and being lonely ..
ReplyDeleteNot necessarily