that means there will be some (many?) that don't understand. Jesus doesn't lead us all on the same path; some head for the hills, some for the cities; some take the high road, some the low road. that's why it's not in our purview to judge.
it also means that as many possibilities as there are for alliances, there are just as many possibilities for misplaced allegiances. people naturally pull on us; they are our relations after all - family and friends and associates and fellowchurch - and they all deserve our respect and loving relation; but they should never replace or substitute for the vision and passion Jesus alone speaks into our heart. and we should never allow them to obstruct that vision.
he once said “If anyone comes to me and does not hate his own father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters—yes, and even his own life—he cannot be My disciple". the use of 'hate' was a common employment for emphasis, but the point is well made: everyone else takes a secondary place in life next to Jesus.
discipling to Jesus is quite a bit more than many of us allow for. really, it requires everything we have. wasn't it he that said "if a person wants to be my disciple, let them deny themself every day, and take up their cross; then they can come follow me."? Jesus said that, to me and to you. that's rockin' stuff; that's the stuff of real serious stuff; that's like "listen, get real. don't just be wanting to be seen hanging around me, calling yourself a christian, 'going to church', wearing that cross. if you're coming with me all else goes: money and possessions, relationships, careeers - everything".
everything is up for grabs, unless Jesus uses it for his purposes. thing is, it isn't yours, and you have to relinquish your grasp on it, give it to Jesus - he may give it back.. or not
maybe i'm trying to say this: noone and nothing should acquire such an influence over us that we don't feel comfortable asserting ourselves as disciples - first; as in numero uno priority; as in this is my life, this is who i am, this defines me. we can't allow anything to detract from that or distract from it. period. all in .. all, if we want to follow Jesus.
so while i try to do my thing in walking with Jesus, don't be offended if it doesn't suit your agenda, doesn't fit in your philosophy, doesn't meet your expectations, is contrary to your think, puts you out.
i'm not looking to offend anyone, i'm simply walking my road, trying to keep up with that man.
ours must be to find the path Jesus wants for us, our own particular, peculiar road, and go there. everything else is huff and puff; it'll blow your house down, eventually.
and when you find your path, walk it. there's only one person you're accountable to in the longrun. be sure your conscience is clear.
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