fail ..
because what's on my heart is not what i wrote
what's on my heart is this
a longing for the church that claims the name of Jesus to reboot, as in dump the cache, and head back to its roots
roots are good
they are where the tree gets its nutrients
we are part of a vine, the Jesus Vine
Paul speaks to that at Romans 10-12
the Church (as in worldwide church) was built by Jesus
he is its founder, our example
what is passed-off as Christianity today is far far removed from what Jesus intended
in fact, it's a blotch on the face of God
in my opinion
my prayer for this 2015 year is that we, the church of Jesus, his Body, move in the direction of Jesus himself
that means
stop already with the show, the concert-styley, the lights and sounds and
presentation, the sit-in-the-pew-and-listen-to-thatguy
stop with the 1 hour-a-week in the expensive, expansive buildings
stop the pouring money into ??
stop with the exclusivity and the club mentality
it means
pick up my bible and read it, regularly, as if it's relevant to me
here today in my place
gather regularly as a body, the Body, and worship and share
and learn and help and support
dutiful 1-hour sunday get-together, but
hang-out, share a meal or
food/drink, and talk, get to know
each other personally, by name,
circumstance, life
joining each other in meeting the needs
of people in the neighbourhood,
especially the underprivileged
joining other churches in doing that on a broader
meeting with others to pray for each other
joining each other in day-to-day life, communitying in
yoga and basketball and board games and bowling
and coffee hangouts and .. like that
visiting the ill, the aged, the orphan, the imprisoned
to encourage them and offer them hope
(and i'm not so much talking about another church
service; more like getting to know them one-to-one,
and being their friend)
like that
mostly, i fear we have lost our knowledge of the bible, and that is the tap-root of our root system
that is where we encounter Jesus and early christian life and practice
that is where we see our Exemplar in all his earthly self, witness his life and listen to his thoughts .. internalize his mindset, his lifestyle, attitude, approach ..
like that
i have renewed my personal commitment to reading the bible each day, kinda like i eat each day
i'm still looking for that 'church' that lives like that
God help me find it ..
meanwhile i've got to get back on the street and simply be there, waiting for whatever opportunity, whoever, looking for the image of Jesus in the eyes of the people that i meet
it's late-on
and there are many miles to go before rest
so i look to you, master Jesus, for guidance, direction, motivation, passion and compassion, intensity, and opportunity
i ask you to help me in my unbelief, to draw near to me as i draw near to you, looking for oneness, intimacy .. to know your presence, feel you in me .. be you, Rabbi
here's to 2015 and personal renewal and Body renewal ..
God will guide you. He is doing a new thing---do you not see it?