the Expression was there
with God ..
truly, the Expression was God
everything created was by the word of the Expression of God ..
and the Expression of God became human
and lived among us ( John 1 )
how on Earth does that work ..
i mean, there's spiritual dimension in human
but .. human dimension in God ?
and God said " let's make human creatures ..
let's make them in our image, to be like us "
and the resounding reply
" yes! lets! "
and so the confounding event ..
God bent down and drew in the dirt with a finger
and then piled the dirt into a dirty 3D form
to image Godself ..
stepped back
eyed it
knelt beside the imaged dirt and breathed out the breath of God ..
and the image drew breath
the breath of Godself
and the image became
that's the storytelling in the beginning ..
later ..
GodExpression split the image agape
made another Godimage from the first
and God gave the images to each other
to further image God
rejoining into oneness
creating other images in their image
like them
like God
later ..
God said " let's make ourself human
in their image
to be like them "
and the resounding reply
" yes! lets! "
and God Expressed as human ..
God Expressed flesh
and lived among us
and we could behold Godglory in the person of GodSon
the glory we would expect of an onlychild
filled full with grace
and truth
for the true God is filled full of grace
created human
in God's image
became human
God Expressed as human
just like us
how does Word Express as
flesh ..
to become
likely we will never know
this we do know ..
that baby grew
in stature
in wisdom
immersed in reliance on God
and the life of that One
revealed God to us
in a way we likely would never have understood otherwise
.. we don't speak Godlanguage
.. we don't speak Godlanguage
God showed Godself
perfectly represented in human form
.. and the world has never been the same
his name is Jesus
God among us
with us
for us
in us ..
we are privileged beyond measure to know this One
to finally know what God is like in Godfullness
for the fullness of God dwelt in him
and that fullness consists in
the world will never be the same
neither will i
neither will you
" It used to be that God would occasionally communicate in one way or another with our Jewish Fathers through prophets. But God now speaks to us through a Son, the powerful Utterance of God who not only brought the ages into being but also bears them along.
God has appointed him to be heir of everything.
This Son is the effulgence of God, the outshining of God's glory.
He is the perfect expression of God's substance. " ( Hebrews 1 )
the GodWhoIsThere
the unnameable IAmWhoIAm
the Ineffable (Heschel)
speaks a Word
in the only language in which we could ever understand God
.. Jesus
Son of Human
" a fitting reply brings joy ..
a word at the right time - how good it is " ( Prov 15:23 )
" at just the right time, God sent the Son into the world, born of a woman .. " ( Gal 4:4 )
praise God
now then ..
how do we live in our words ..
how do our words live through us ..
am i the words i speak
do i enflesh what i say
am i the incarnation of my talk
am i, like him, full of truth
or do i belie my language
is what i say a fair refection of the me i truly am ..
God graciously revealed
in truth ..