i suppose if God was walking around down here, showing up here and there, shopping in the local supermarket, that we'd get to know him/her eventually
or know about ..
we'd hear all the news about how God did this or that good thing - healed that child, got the homeless off the streets of new york, spoke at the standing rock rally, told-off the government for all those damned drone strikes that were killing innocent people, upended the climate change denial .. that sort of thing - that we'd probably be well on the way to believing God and being on God's team
and we'd all be trotting off to the local church on sunday hoping God would show up there like (s)he did in that church in baltimore last weekend ..
kinda thing
and, too, maybe we'd be a bit more careful how we lived - what we said in public or in Publix, not to shoot the bird to the stupid woman that just pulled a lefty right in front the car without so much as an indication ..
God might be in that car, or in the next aisle in the supermarket ..
and wouldn't that be something if God turned the corner at just the wrong time ..
maybe we'd even think of not even thinking of those things
'cause Jesus made a point of saying that even entertaining the thought is tantamount to doing it
as in, it's the same thing ..
but God doesn't live here as such
you're not likely to bump into God this evening when you pick the children up from school ..
as such ..
strange thing though ..
according to those in-the-know, God was here at some point
or at least (s)he sent someone
someone trusted
someone trustworthy ..
GodSon entered the scene
showed up just like we all do
as a baby
born to a very humble (imagine) couple in a nondescript town in the backwoods somewhere
and he grew up like we all do
and as he did, he learned like we all do
experienced life here
walked and worked and ate and slept and went to the toilet and died
like we all do ..
people recognized him too ..
they didn't recognize that they recognized him
but they saw a very different, very real human
that struck them as " this is what a real human is "
even though they never said it ..
and he traveled from this town to that like we all do
'cept he walked or rode an ass
in his living he showed-up in very different ways
human ways we recognize, but don't recognize we recognize ..
he healed people !
i mean he made people walk that never walked
and see even though they'd never seen
stuff like that
and one time he fed like thousands! and all he had to work with was a boy's lunch-for-one
and the things he said were offthecharts
even at a young age
even to the religious experts
the ones who guarded the gates of Godstuff
what a guy!
his life still haunts us ..
breaks normal into a thousand disconnected shards
turns the expected and the revered into so much garbage
unleashes a think that undoes the generally accepted mindset
somehow his words awoke recognition in us
even though what he said was so very contrary
contrary to power
to religion
to wealth and the right to master the masses
we understood him because he spoke a kind of truth that doesn't originate in the cerebral
that strikes recognition at the core of who we are
God was here somehow
and we just knew it
we could feel it in our bones
God doesn't live here
but God lives here
even if we have a hard time recognizing it ..
'cause God did something very special
and i'll have to mention a bit of 'history' here
pardon me ..
when this GodWhoIsThere decided to make all the stuff we know
like Earth and trees and birds and flowers and stuff
and planets and wormholes and blackstars
and amoeba and coral and worms-in-holes and pets
God got to the point of saying to Godself
" look, this isn't done yet. how about we make a creature that's like us, resembles us " ..
and that's when God made us
cool huh ?
end history
so here we are
and like i said GodSon became one of us
now here's the thing ..
God made us like God
and then God made God to be like us
.. let that simmer a bit
and then this Godperson-person did something else really cool ..
just before leaving here Jesus told God he wanted us to have the same kind of relationship that God had with Godself
and that God had with GodSon
same !
that's wild
.. that is very wild
so when he left here and went back home
Jesus said " listen, i'm leaving but don't freakout
i'm coming right back
and my spirit will live in you and i will be with you all the time, 24/7 " ..
.. now
let that simmer
so that, ya, God doesn't live here as such
but God lives here ..
because if we really do have the same oneness with GodFather that Jesus has
and that Jesus called-for in us
and if Jesus' spirit lives in us ..
then .. God lives here
walks around down here
shops and works and drives and visits the vet and puts out the garbage
'cause we are the presence of God
in the next aisle in the supermarket
while the christmas season doesn't hold the same thrill for me this year
because of the utter madness and absurdity of what-has-been 2016
and the foreboding that clings like some swampy smell i can't forthelifeofme get off ..
i'm trying hard to turn my mind to the awesome reality that God became a human
lived among us ..
and we recognized Godintheflesh
even though we didn't
full of grace
full of truth
and we recognized human
passionate, zealous, lovingkind, caring, sharing ..
even though we didn't recognize that we recognized
so, ya
i celebrate one of the most phenomenal events ever in the birth of the Christchild
it's Jesus birthday ..
the one i aspire to
the one i revere
the true Human i want to emulate
even though the bulk of that still hauntingly
lies in my future
the one i want to recognize me
how could i do otherwise ..
or know about ..
we'd hear all the news about how God did this or that good thing - healed that child, got the homeless off the streets of new york, spoke at the standing rock rally, told-off the government for all those damned drone strikes that were killing innocent people, upended the climate change denial .. that sort of thing - that we'd probably be well on the way to believing God and being on God's team
and we'd all be trotting off to the local church on sunday hoping God would show up there like (s)he did in that church in baltimore last weekend ..
kinda thing
and, too, maybe we'd be a bit more careful how we lived - what we said in public or in Publix, not to shoot the bird to the stupid woman that just pulled a lefty right in front the car without so much as an indication ..
God might be in that car, or in the next aisle in the supermarket ..
and wouldn't that be something if God turned the corner at just the wrong time ..
maybe we'd even think of not even thinking of those things
'cause Jesus made a point of saying that even entertaining the thought is tantamount to doing it
as in, it's the same thing ..
but God doesn't live here as such
you're not likely to bump into God this evening when you pick the children up from school ..
as such ..
strange thing though ..
according to those in-the-know, God was here at some point
or at least (s)he sent someone
someone trusted
someone trustworthy ..
GodSon entered the scene
showed up just like we all do
as a baby
born to a very humble (imagine) couple in a nondescript town in the backwoods somewhere
and he grew up like we all do
and as he did, he learned like we all do
experienced life here
walked and worked and ate and slept and went to the toilet and died
like we all do ..
people recognized him too ..
they didn't recognize that they recognized him
but they saw a very different, very real human
that struck them as " this is what a real human is "
even though they never said it ..
and he traveled from this town to that like we all do
'cept he walked or rode an ass
in his living he showed-up in very different ways
human ways we recognize, but don't recognize we recognize ..
he healed people !
i mean he made people walk that never walked
and see even though they'd never seen
stuff like that
and one time he fed like thousands! and all he had to work with was a boy's lunch-for-one
and the things he said were offthecharts
even at a young age
even to the religious experts
the ones who guarded the gates of Godstuff
what a guy!
his life still haunts us ..
breaks normal into a thousand disconnected shards
turns the expected and the revered into so much garbage
unleashes a think that undoes the generally accepted mindset
somehow his words awoke recognition in us
even though what he said was so very contrary
contrary to power
to religion
to wealth and the right to master the masses
we understood him because he spoke a kind of truth that doesn't originate in the cerebral
that strikes recognition at the core of who we are
God was here somehow
and we just knew it
we could feel it in our bones
God doesn't live here
but God lives here
even if we have a hard time recognizing it ..
'cause God did something very special
and i'll have to mention a bit of 'history' here
pardon me ..
when this GodWhoIsThere decided to make all the stuff we know
like Earth and trees and birds and flowers and stuff
and planets and wormholes and blackstars
and amoeba and coral and worms-in-holes and pets
God got to the point of saying to Godself
" look, this isn't done yet. how about we make a creature that's like us, resembles us " ..
and that's when God made us
cool huh ?
end history
so here we are
and like i said GodSon became one of us
now here's the thing ..
God made us like God
and then God made God to be like us
.. let that simmer a bit
and then this Godperson-person did something else really cool ..
just before leaving here Jesus told God he wanted us to have the same kind of relationship that God had with Godself
and that God had with GodSon
same !
that's wild
.. that is very wild
so when he left here and went back home
Jesus said " listen, i'm leaving but don't freakout
i'm coming right back
and my spirit will live in you and i will be with you all the time, 24/7 " ..
.. now
let that simmer
so that, ya, God doesn't live here as such
but God lives here ..
because if we really do have the same oneness with GodFather that Jesus has
and that Jesus called-for in us
and if Jesus' spirit lives in us ..
then .. God lives here
walks around down here
shops and works and drives and visits the vet and puts out the garbage
'cause we are the presence of God
in the next aisle in the supermarket
while the christmas season doesn't hold the same thrill for me this year
because of the utter madness and absurdity of what-has-been 2016
and the foreboding that clings like some swampy smell i can't forthelifeofme get off ..
i'm trying hard to turn my mind to the awesome reality that God became a human
lived among us ..
and we recognized Godintheflesh
even though we didn't
full of grace
full of truth
and we recognized human
passionate, zealous, lovingkind, caring, sharing ..
even though we didn't recognize that we recognized
i celebrate one of the most phenomenal events ever in the birth of the Christchild
it's Jesus birthday ..
the one i aspire to
the one i revere
the true Human i want to emulate
even though the bulk of that still hauntingly
lies in my future
the one i want to recognize me
how could i do otherwise ..
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