divined dust
but dust nonetheless
fingerprinted with the insignia of Creator god
designed with the mind of God in mind ..
and when we forget
we imagine that we can outrun
who we are
who God is ..
mostly we end up making of ourselves self-righteous fools
hopefully there arrives an event that simply scatters me
rattles my innards
and the lieing pretense comes vomiting-out all over my cool branded jeans ..
maybe an illness
maybe a 'word' from an unbeknownst prophet
put there by the Spirit to catch me off-guard in my secure space
where i feel quite secure
and all my righteousnesses are nothing but filth
vomited all over my cool jeans ..
in my secure space
i'm left stripped

of the God with whom i have to do
and tears come running out
all over my mascara-ed blush
as the mask runs ..
i am undone
discovered to my self
denuded of the self i wore
in all my wrinkled spots ..
quite undone
and Mercy speaks
and Grace touches
just then
and i shockingly know that i am loved
a by-thought ..
in that scattered vomiting event it's vital for us to recognize that
while the regret and remorse bite
the naked shames
the real me lies scattered in so many jagged pieces in plain view
God hasn't moved ..
God is moved by it, but God hasn't moved
God is the very same god
intensely in love with me
regardless of what i've done
and too
the very instance of my sorrowing over this event that rattled my innards
broken over my God-betraying self
is the very evidence of my faith in that God who loves me
whose name is MercyGrace
peace and love
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