didn't know any other
didn't think anything else was possible, " 'cause that's what the bible said " ..
i don't know anymore
and while i think it's important
i think the greatest import is found in the understanding that Jesus died for our sins
what i do believe is that God understood beforehand what would happen when the Word of God incarnated - ..
that the world of humanity could not stand the experience of seeing true Human as it was originally designed and, faced with the convicting force of that recognition, its degraded condition brought into the glaring Light of Truth, it poured out its wrath on Truth-in-Person, mocking him, abusing him, violating him, killing him
- and God walked that road anyway, taking in his body the violent rebellion of the Creator's own image-bearers, hung-out for all the world to gaze-at, and mock, and eventually pass-by ..
and God would use that human sacrifice by our humanity to uproot and to undo the authority Satan held over this world system, using this unjust violent oppression against the only ever perfect human
to ransom humanity,
to free us who all our lives lived out of bondage to the fear of death,
to declare the impending judgement of the Grand Accuser,
to set the Cornerstone for the Kingdom of God in the Earth
a new kingdom that lived out of Light, not darkness and deception
that grounded in Love, not selfishness and hatred and violence
that would cover the Earth in peace under the rulership of the Prince of Peace
under the fulfilled gaze of the Son of God, the Final Adam, Jesus
that God might be All, in all ..
i believe that ..
peace to you
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