it feels like i'm moving in water
even to walk an effort
to think even ..
we showed up
because they will show up
because You show up
because we show up
and wherever 2 or 3 get together
with You in mind
there You are
so we showed up ..
but this heaviness
is mashing my lungs
hard to breathe ..
even my eyelids are resisting belief
fighting this 'reality'
what is reality ? ..
You are reality ..
" remember me " You said
as You broke Your body
poured out Your bloody soul
for us all ..
turn the page
a faltering fumbling step
or 2
then 3 more ..
a mumbled ' allelujah ' ..
then words take hold
the Spirit finds purchase
in broken hearts
just where the cracks show ..
Hope raises her head
to look
to see the 1 or 2 raised hands
to watch as others join in more allelujahs
stronger now
and Spirit rises up
swims through the heavy waters
stirring up foamy surf
shaking loose unbelief
calling Light into this present darkness
" this is my confidence
You've never failed me yet
great is You faithfulness
Your promise still stands "
we will trust You
i will trust You
and Heaven's shore welcomes the Newcomer
walking the water home on tippytoes
free at last
goodbye hello
hello goodbye
see you, friend
i will trust You
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