what wickedness has he done ?
what violence
what evil
who has he injured ?
who has he murdered
who has he raped
what has he stolen
what bond did he break
was it you he assaulted ?
your mother that he killed
your brother that he murdered
your sister that he raped
did he take your stuff as if it was his own ?
did he lie to deceive
remove you from your throne
when did you discover you needed his life gone ?
displayed in death
torn ..
wait .. it wasn't you ?
then who ?
who found him in the temple ?
disrupting business as usual
who hated him for saying
we were doing it all wrong
who is it the people honor with palms
not knowing what they do
who is it that ran away
and left him for the high priest's crew
who was it that crowed to the sunrise
pretending him they never knew
who left him all alone who left him all alone
all alone
o o o
but the women knew the women knew
or even if they didn't know they stood by him with him for him
holding him in their heart
their mind twisted in anguish
as they regard his twisted form
through swollen eyes
that this one this one
could die so could die so
o O ooo
and now he waits in Hades Halls
talking with departed souls
and tomorrow the harrow
the blessed harrowing of hell
praise be to God who makes all things new
through this one
this triumphant human Jesus the Christ
blessed be his name
the cock will crow tomorrow morn
welcoming the sun to a brand new age
as the Son of Man walks out the tomb resplendent
in his new body

by anyone
and Mary waits
she can't let go she can't let go
she can't believe he's gone ..
o Oooo ooo
but soon she will know him again ..
that voice that voice
same voice that spoke the universe into being
will call her name in love
Hope has arrived in person
and we cannot deny it
and all creation waits
oo oo oo ..
to be released from corruption
into the glorious freedom of God's children
and the Son of Man waits
he can't let go he can't let go
he won't let go he won't let go
O! O! O!