I have some questions for you to answer ..
where were you when I envisioned the Earth ?
tell me, which architect designed it, and who was its surveyor ?
on what was it founded ?
who set the keystone in place
while the stars looked on and the angels cheered ?
who restrained the oceans when they burst the matrix ?
who wrapped them in billowing clouds
and clothed them in the darkness ?
who cradled their movements ?
have you ever called forth the morning
given rise to the dawn
that tells the night to leave
and to take the violent wickedness that hides in its darkness along with it ?
did you ever locate the source of the sea
have you dived to its deepest point ?
have you faced Death
stood in the portal of the Shadow of Death ?
could you spread your arms to embrace the girth of the Earth ?
can you tell me - when the light emerges, where does the darkness go ?
do you know their addresses ?
but of course you do !
you were there before their creation and you know all this already, I'm sure ..
have you looked into the quarries where snow and hail are mined ?
where should I go to discover the home of light ?
in which location should I look to find where the east wind lives ?
who dug valleys for the downpours
and who laid out a flight path for the lightning ?
who redirects the showers to fall on dry ground and encourages the grass ?
who gives birth to the rain ?
who is the mother of hail and ice and freezing water ?
is it you that tells the stars which road to take
and who to travel with ?
do you organize their families or tell them where to live ?
did you order the universe or design the Earth ?
is it your voice that breaks the clouds for rain and sparks light to fly across the sky ?
tell me, how does your heart speak and why does your mind reason ?
can you count the clouds ?
can you make it rain when there is no water and the land turns to dust ?
do you know where to find food for the pup and the cub and the crow's children when they cry out to God from an empty belly ?
do you ?
can you ?
who ?
where ?
how long ?
how far ?
when ?
how ? ..
tell me then
you who challenge my ways
and know my thoughts
you who calls me to account
.. answer me
if you can .. .
a muse on Job 38
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