i really wish i was assembling with family and friends
i have been abundantly blessed in my family here
i feel (and I'm gradually convinced) like i belong ..
(the gradual thing is my own hesitation at believing people really care about me - i suck it up like baby on mother's milk it gives me life i try not to take too much notice of myself, but the affirmation is nothing short of energizing it's just hard to believe that the church that Jesus built actually exists in such a vivid form - i thought, surely it is not found in purity today, having lost its savor through the centuries to political and powerful and private ambition of its leadership ..) ..
we all belong, i think we've just lost our way .. we've become deluded and disillusioned we have outgrown our innocence, our innate identity, way too fast, and create substitutes to hide our fear at being lost we do not know who we are, or what our purpose in this life
i have fallen into Grace in these recent years, and am able to admit to value in me, worth, having been found in favor with GodFather not that he recently came to that position simply put, i recently discovered it for myself, and surely the same holds true for all humanity we are just lost to it, as i said
so then Jesus ..
to re-member us, remind us of our identity - icons, images and likenesses of the living God ..
him walking with us to be seen as humanity-in-its-fullness, learning to be human, and then unfolding his arms to embrace his humanity - us
it's okay
we are lost but there's this Shepherd who will search us out, even the one
maybe especially the one
and we/i, who have seen the scales fall from our eyes and been un-blinded from our lostness, have the privilege of touching the blind around us, in complete harmony with their disillusionment for i was blind once
and the things i say and the things i do and the way i live in this now and the thing i allow myself to behold with my eye and ear all color-in a canvas for my community of Earthpeople to behold for themselves and speak louder-than-words to the humanity i now embrace in Jesus, Son of Human
perhaps some of that will spark re-cognition in one, or three and they will reach out to touch, to see for themselves what is this light, this indescribable aura of integrity, of truth, of peace, of true humanity unfiltered
perhaps that is the flavor of 'discipleship'
the taste of Jesus in the face of another human
the aroma of genuine humanity-to-the-bone as witnessed in the Jesus whose spirit is jealous for me
as for you
peace to you