i can't see very far these days ..
ageing eyes struggle
in this dawning night of smoky scenes
where Lies prop the street corners
in their sequined highheels
and no one
absolutely no one
is promised tomorrow
in this land of sneak and pickpockets
and street-corner preachers
with me-holes in their jeans
neon-ed promises
whistle at the weary ..
spots darken the tarmac
where one of us got caught
too long staring at the loud headlight
horn screaming
it's just too BloodyMary much for my life's eyes
have to retreat
shutter the myopic windows for a bit
rest from the mad-inducing assault of Animus
Ares and Mars in tow
.. .
just there ..
the smoke clears
the discordant cacophony stilled ..
smiling eyes welcome
the pleasant sight of a Lamb
clothed in Light
holding Shalom
while lightbearers dance in circles
around the Tree of Life
Interesting great choice of words