Wednesday, February 3, 2021

needy ? ..

 i need to be careful not to dis-count those who come to the table but bring nothing to contribute, have nothing to contribute 

that does not de-value the person
it merely speaks to the place they are in this season of life, and i need to not judge why they have nothing 
nor why they have had nothing for however long they have had nothing .. .. .  

my response is to come alongside them at the table
they are welcome here every time, part of the family 

the intention is fruit 
   their fruit
   my fruit
the Gardener takes care of the pruning 

sometimes, maybe often for some of us, we find ourselves 'needy', a place we individualistic, dominating, success-driven, competitive westerners despise and denigrate and look-down on 

i must be careful whom i despise .. 

in them i may well find mySelf

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