classic christian theology posits the triune Godhead
a dancing-around (perichoresis) of three people, interpersonally, intimately, vulnerably, enjoyably, perfectly united, as one
complete in their union
so that God wants us to understand something of what God experiences within Godhead
with Godself
enter mother ..
while i would normally use a lovers' union to express that, today i honour my mother, and that heartily
she's my hero
because of the way language developed in the context of human history, it moreoftenthannot defaulted to the masculine
women and children were seen (and moreoftenthannot treated) as lower-class people
women still are treated that way today
this treatment includes the christian scriptures, such that we grew-up reading/hearing/thinking of God as he/him
ahmmmm .. just so you know, God is not a male
while you taste that ..
consider (my view) that God created a human embodying both male and female characteristics ..
and then, so that the human would not be 'alone', God took out the female attributes and created the companion
now male and female
and then God brought them back together and told them to become 'one'
intimacy at an almost unintelligible level to us today
and far too often unexperienced
pointedly illustrating not only the intimacy of Godhead in 3 persons
but also the wholeness of Godhead (perfection, totality)
male/female attributes all intermingled
.. so, God is not a male
nor is God a female
God encompasses all of that
and my mother
blessed I am
highly blessed
i'm not going to try to convince you my mother is perfect
she isn't
she made her mistakes like we all do
but there was an underlying motivation of doing right; of making the most out of, too often, little; of persisting in the face of opposition and tough circumstances; of determination to make it happen; of providing a life for us children that was one-up on the life she lived, at great expense to her and to her personal life and relationships
my mother has been a rock in my life
a place i could always step when i found myself adrift
i am blessed
more than that though, more than that ..
i am honoured to have a mother that is willing to change, even at this advanced stage of life, where change for most is unusual ..
we tend to cement as we age
new ideas and differentthink to what we cut our teeth on becomes difficult
we tend to think the way we always thought the older we get ..
what inspires me about this woman is her untiring dedication to knowing the God that is, including her willingness to undo her 'theology' and consider that God, in some ways, may be different to what she thought all along ..
that blows my mind
in the face of much younger folk like us who are so entrenched in our Godthink, so immovable, so unwilling to consider that we may not have everything 'right' ..
so arrogant ..

i am blessed
so here's to mothers
and here's to my mum ..
thanks for teaching me about God by who you are
and here's to a God that intimately knows and understands mothering
my MotherGod
I love the thought of MotherGod. Where does the Bible say God is male or female?
ReplyDeleteGod has all the attributes of male and female...mother and father.
And God is the perfect husband