it's related somehow to lovers' relationships .. Ephesians 5 and Song of Songs speak to this
at Genesis 2 God takes out of the first human, and creates a female, leaving behind a male ..
the now-male, finally encountering the one to whom he corresponds, exults in the obvious correspondence which was previously obviously missing, made obvious as the human 'named' the creatures..
there was no other human-like to be named ..
the exultation results in calling this one 'woman' ( a word apparently etymologically UNrelated to 'man' ) ..
here now are 2 creatures alike, so the now-man exclaims of woman, "flesh and bone from me" or "flesh and bone like me" .. "finally!", leading to the unity, the oneity, described as 'one flesh' (KJV), 'one famiy' (NLT), 'united into one' (ESV) ..
i prefer simply 'one', or 'two as one'
although perhaps there was a form of relationship before, that of God and the one human, the God-on-human relation must have been somewhat strange to the human (and to God?) ..
they were different, after all, although .. they were also alike, for God had made the human to be 'like' God, as in Godlike ('imago dei') .. still, the difference between creator and created was obvious ..
now we have creature-correspondence, a one-on-one, like-on-like, direct correspondence .. same page, same perspective .. equivalents .. "i have, finally, someone just like me to relate to"
Ephesians 5 - Christ and the ChurchBody ..
now the dance !
perhaps .. God, knowing the human is flesh and blood, recognizing the human limits in relatedness to Godself as one-to-one , and then providing the missing link, is working towards something .. hopefully, that inter-relatedness between humans will grow into some kind of understanding, at least in an approximate way, of the inter-relatedness among Godself .. "we'll teach them something of what we experience; now they have each other to touch and smell and see and talk-to and listen-to .. "
.. and they will grow into participation in the very intimate love-relationship of Trune Godself ..
perhaps this oneity between the humans will encourage their desire to intimate with God, an intimacy God wants to share with others ..
at least, that part is the theology-think .. the Triune God spreads Godarms outward to embrace (include?) creature
and God walks and talks with the humans; they relate; they share; they discuss and commune
but sin ..
sin ..
sin introduces a disruption, an interruption in the God-human relations, a break God had warned them about ..
they broke trust with God
they thought they could be ' like God ', like the serpent said, while, all along, they were already like God, for they had been peculiarly created in the 'imago dei', made like God ..
.. unlike the serpent ..
they lusted for what they already had
perhaps thinking there was more to be had .. like the right to determine right from wrong, the knowledge of Good and Evil, from the Tree of ..
and sin brought death
disconnect on several levels, from God, from life, from life-to-the-fullest .. life in the Triune
God, being the kind of God that Godself is, refused to give up ..
God overrides the disconnect from time to time, imposing Godself into human existence/experience by employing nature, speaking audibly, appearing in human (Christophanies) and non-human form (fire, cloud, etc), and inSpiring this or that prophet
this for a season
then God unravels Godself ..
God becomes human .. !!
(Hebrews 1 ff. and Philippians 2 speak to this de-deification of the Word, humanizing in Jesus)
imagine it .. . . if you can
that step is the pointed clarion-call to all the cosmos that God is still committed to humanity
God is boldly reestablishing personal and intimate relations with us, headed back to Eden .. Godhead moves to reclaim Edenlife, a radically, inclusivistic embrace of humanity, in whom is still a life-memory of the 'imago dei'
God will not be outdone, God is openly on the move, defiantly, demonstratively, personally, in the person of Jesus, the Anointed, the Messiah/Christ
God is now made in the image of human ..
and the circle advances, almost full-circle .. creator lives and moves and has being among us, as one of us ..
for a time
and then they kill him
and the creator dies
no greater love than this ..
out of death
and Jesus is highly honoured and given a name above all names, to whom every person and power in the cosmos will bow, and is exalted by God to the honourable place of RightHand of God, the Man paving the way for us .. the incredible unthinkable oneity with Godhead
this unity is the very same oneness Jesus experiences with GodFather
same, no different ( John 17 ) ..
God in Jesus
Jesus in God
and now .. us in Jesus in God in us
God in Jesus in us
same interplay, interflow, interpenetration that exists within Godself, same ..
Godhead extends that to embrace humanity, the special creature created in the 'imago dei'
this is the radical-think, beginning with the Patristics, from the 2nd century, lost in the shuffle of western civilized society and the sad-embrace of religion and power
and the unthinkable schism that marked the church that Jesus built, breaking-up, marking-off, de-edifying, ranking, excluding, marginalizing
and Jesus is lost in the shuffle ..
this (to us today) radical-think is theologically termed 'theosis', 'divinization' ..
it is not us becoming God .. it is us being embraced in the intimate in-ness that the members of the Triunity experience among themselves
a staggering thought to the human mind ..
it's why i tread this road i find myself on
as Scriptures tell us, " we will realize how much like him (Jesus) we are when we see him as he is " (1Jn 3.2) ..
we are more like God than we know
we simply need to live into that .. follow the Man
Jesus came among us to remind us of that, and to prompt us in that think-direction, heart in tow ..
that live-direction where we live-out the image of God in us, as we live and move and have our being among all the other ' imago dei's ', regardless of their colour or stripe, gender or state-in-life ..
in God, the Triunity
embraced in Godself, included in Godself
so that God may be all in all
all, in all ..
us in God
and God in us
at one
as one
one ..
all through Jesus, the Man
now, may the love of God and the grace of Lord Jesus and the embrace of Godspirit be ours ..
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