Wednesday, January 20, 2016

reach out in faith ..

There is a marked difference between pride and arrogance and wagging a finger in God's face,
and the understanding that God understands humanity through Jesus' experience of humanity, and expects to hear from us, what's in our heart..

There's a difference between disrespecting God, treating God as if God was our equal,
and confronting God in our doubts, our un-understanding, our pain, our lostness..

There's a difference between accusing God,
and questioning God because we just don't understand how this could be so, why that happened..

Notably, it is in the very act of facing God with our heart's truth - in trouble, in depression, in forsakenness,  in loss, in our proneness to wander, in our weaknesses, and our doubts - that we in fact express our faith, for it is nothing to claim faith in God when the garden is full of roses, everything to reach out to God when there is no beauty before us, in drought, in famine, destitute..

That defines our faith, for it demonstrates that we believe in God enough to trust God to be real, and to be relational, and to care enough to answer us ..

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