- i'm a christian
even though i tend not to swim among all the other fish in the christian waters, i am a follower of Jesus and look to reflect that
- the reason i don't often reflect the current trend in chriatianity, nor some of the historical orthodoxy, is personal : my particular journey has led me on this path, and i look to follow it to wherever it may lead
- i haven't tallied, but i daresay my posts are split pretty evenly between discipleship posts designed to encourage whoever, and posts critical of western christianity, designed to cause us to think about what we're doing rather than simply following the person in the pulpit or the popular christian take on whatever
- i have no theological qualifications
- i am not a citizen of the US. however whatever theology I have for the greater part is US theology, and as the US leans, so the entire world leans where Christianity is concerned. point being, when my posts reflect a US/western concern, it is a world concern, generally speaking
- although God may correct me on this, i do not blog with the express intention of offending anyone. my intention is to cause me/us to think about who we are, what we do, and why. it arises from a life of taking what was said from the pulpit and written in the theologies as 'gospel' rather than finding out for myself what i believe and why. i chose to blog on some of that personal journey in the off-chance that someone else may be thinking or questioning along those lines, and maybe something in the blog might be of help ..
having said that, there are some whom i understand will be offended, especially since some of what i say is pointed.. this category basically resides in the leadership of the church, whom i am willing to take on for 2 reasons. 1. Jesus did. regularly and blatantly. in fact they were the only ones he took on like that 2. as overseers of Christ's church they are responsible for the spiritual wellbeing of us sheep; there is probably no greater responsibility than that ; to misrepresent God and/or misdirect people has to be seen as a most serious offense
.. having said that .. who the hell am i to call them out .. ?
so, if i have offended anyone here it certainly wasn't a personal attack ..
finallly, if i were to take the position that i can't express anything here that could offend someone somewhere .. i guess i wouldn't be blogging
- finally, (spoiler alert) i'm human. that means i'm quite imperfect. in fact, as i've said before, i must consider myself to be the chief of sinners, or i refute apostle Paul and unrighteouly overestimate me (and i'd be flat-out lying) ; i try to do that. and along this line, i may say things or point out things in others that may reflect a fault/weakness/sin in my self = hypocrite. please know that what i say in this blog is always said with a very large finger pointed at my self, square in my own face, calling me out first. at least i try to ..
i hope that some of this 'discolsure' has helped you understand a bit more of who i am and why i'm here
peace to you
and love
in Jesus' name
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