that place where the pristine Son of Humanity was tortured
i cannot find it in me to tarry long ..
i run to hide ..
while we have adorned that cross
embellished it with gems, encased it in gold
as if it were some glorious thing
my mind whirls in disgusting dread
almost disbelief
as i reel in confused rage at the utter injustice
the sheer madness of it
there is no 'wondrous cross' for me
although there is wonder in me
a strange unable-to-comprehend how the creator of the universe
could become human and then allow such abuse on himself
on his body, on his soul ..
and too there is the place he became all the sin of all the world
and was forsaken by God
the God with whom he had shared his being
i run
i hide
bury my mind as the thought tears ..
ignoble end for an utterly noble life
life of pure human in all of its wonderful potential
imago Dei released for all the world to see
to wonder
to gaze
to covet
no, the cross for me is not a wonderful thing
it is a haunting
in all its ragged raw roughness
stretching the sinews of my soul to tearing
compressing lungs .. can hardly breathe
pounding heart, powerful death-beat
bleeding out
while i didn't die there
i die there
and die, and die
the flesh of me must often be crucified
so the spirit of me can rise
come down from that cross
dragging its flesh behind
place of shame
his shame
my shame
of sorrow
of lament
of utter nakedness
i run
i hide
invariably i return
just here
to crucify my self
awful it is
that cross
place of my disgrace
place of grace
when i share in the Bread and Cup
i remind me he said to remember him in his death ..
his death

the Table of community finds unity in remembering the death of Jesus
remember the horror
recall the abuse
rebaptize in the blood
bleed out
.. and remarkably be born afresh
astonishing thought ..
there is victory in that place
but a victory often shrouded in darkness
in death
go with God
This leaves me speechless~
ReplyDeleteas it does me ..