God isn't in the business of controlling the weather
although God could
God doesn't usually control people either
although God could
frankly, God is not in the control business
because living things aren't machines
God works out of the ground of love
and love does not control or seek to control
love is a voluntary hilarious response to love
and God loves
God is loving
God is love
love seeks to communicate love
because love cannot live in isolation
and love responds to love communicated
thus the community of Godself in trinity
thus ' communion ', as in Eucahrist, symbolic vertical and horizontal sharing
thus ' community ', as in the Body of Christ
thus the communion ( ' fellowship ' ) of the holy spirit of God
the intimate embrace of God
God is not control
so that "God is in control" is basically theologically bending who God is ..
yes, God will at some point wrap things up and, when the time is right ('kairos') will bloom the kingdom in its fulness
but God is currently in process of drawing, encouraging, wooing us through us who are in love with God
.. .
we are the expressions of God's wooing love in the Earth
we are the spirits through whom the spirit of God calls-out " come to me that you might have life in its fullness "
the Expression of God became human to engage recognition of God in us ..
once we ' see ' God in human form, recognition bursts in us
once we recognize God and are open to the goodness of God in love
we begin to recognize God in others
and communion establishes
as we open more and more to the gracious love of the God who is there
and who manifested, Expressed Godself in the man, Jesus
so that when storms of life rage
like Hurricane Matthew
instead of portending that God is judging this or that people for this and that sin
may we join in the very unclear and undefinable activity
of prayer
engaging God in behalf of the others in our world
who are quite like us in the majority of respects
even though different in some
in that way we reflect the openness of God
the embrace of God
for all God's creation
in particular the creation created in the image and likeness of God
which GodExpression took-on when God appeared here as human
to show us God in human
so we could recognize God in us
control is not the issue
in fact, the propulsion to release control
out of the foundational ground of love in God
is the issue
God's propensity to open Godself in vulnerability to the very creation of God
as most poignantly expressed on the Hill of Skulls
where Jesus was put to shameful death
God released control in love
so that through love we could learn to respond in love to God
and share that love with the others in our lifeworld
be careful what you ask for ..
we want God to control
but that control will deny in us the core element of our humanity and our Godlikeness
which is outside the realm of control
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