and then I remembered I am not good at that, so I figure I'll spill my soul for a minute and see what color the vomit wears ..
when the God idead to make tiny two-armed two-legged thin-skinned blooded creatures with some sort of resemblance to Godself, God didn't look in the mirror first..
and when God told them to create creatures of their own with a semblance of resemblance to them, God didn't open a huge photocopy center or design a people-cutter
instead GodMom made 2 ..
God could've made one and a copier ..
God can do anything under the sun, under any sun ..
2 ..
and they weren't the same, hence
" Jack Sprat could eat no fat
his wife could eat no lean
and so between them both
they lick'd the platter clean "
2 that resembled each other
yet not the same ..
2 that resemble God
yet not the same
2 to create other tiny two-armed two-legged thin-skinned blooded creatures
yet not the same..
because there weren't any copiers alive back then
thus, a bit of Jack, a bit of Jane
mix it up real good and see what pops out..
surprise !
and then you look around
as you sit slurping a Slurpee under some wide ungainly tree dropping color-splotched leaves all in your drink
and you wonder why it is people want you to be like them
to fall into the same damned bucket
fit in just this slot
wear this color
eat that food
read these books
go to that church
smoke weed or drink beer
drink weed
smoke the beer ..

consider the flowers of the field
they neither toil nor spin, yet GodDad adorns them all gloriously, this flower differing in glory from the glory of that one there, or this one over here..
if all the flowers looked like all the other flowers - maybe short stemmed, maybe blue-petalled, all with yellow stamens .. hmm .. maybe God is boring, or God's paint palette can't bring green out of blue and yellow, or God's flower-design studio caught fire after the first draft ..
so consider. .
while we're ' like '
we're not the same
not the same ..
never ever be ashamed or beat yourself down or cower or allow your you-colour or your you-shape or your you-faith to make you feel diminuted .. ever
you are the you that you are
and there's no other quite like you
and the only other person who ever gets to say anything to you about you that you should consider of any real import is Jesus
let the people-cutters whisper and toss their darts and make their jokes and undercut you for not being them
not being like them ..
you are beholden to one Man only, the Man Jesus, the Christ, the son of the living GodPapaMamaCreatorLover
and that, my friend, is the good truth of Godself to you
be yourself without apology to the sneerers
be careful then how you judge
because what goes around comes around to smack you right in the ass
and the latter end of that is worse than the first ..
Ok den