they're the fairies of spring ..
your liferoom needs to be full of them everyday

they die of course and become shriveled withered memories
but some fairy godmother keeps popping them out
there's not much else you can trust ..
government went for a swim one day and never came back
and while we drive to the beach on Sundays and look across the waves with binoculars hoping for some sign they're returning, truth is we've been swallowed whole by greedmongers who absolutely hate flowers
o where o where have all the flowers gone
don't forget flowers have power
flower power
it's really very potent
even if they don't use guns and bombs
they blow you away with color and fragrance
and there're so many of them
and they don't cost anything
or fill greedy bottomless MIC pockets ..
they just pop up everywhere compliments of Fairy Godmother
and the churches too, you know ..
they didn't swim off
they stayed
and grew big oversized nurseries ..
'cept they don't grow flowers, they nurture followers
lots of 'em
all in a row, docile like
bobbing heads as they open their mouths for the next wafer of " this saith the Lord "
" pass the fertilizer please " ..
flowers never grow there
they have to force them into prisonjars
where they whimper and die from all the bad breath
I hung a 2017 calendar on the wall but took it down a few days later
I can't stand the thought of counting days
it draws the damn future out, makes time slow down
when all I want now is to fly past the stinkcloud that looks to take up the whole sky
pretend it didn't happen, isn't real ..
i'll wake up soon enough in my liferoom with fresh flowers and a new calendar on the wall
don't ever lose your faith in flowers
even when it feels like the whole world's going to drop on your head like some huge orange steeple to crush you
especially then ..
a la wise Frenchman - " don't worry, they have guns, but we have flowers "
absolument, mon ami
right on
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