if somehow we can get a grip on what that means and who we are and are meant to be .. .
seems to me that must be the pursuit of my life
whatever there is left of it
as in numbering my days
looking for meaning and purpose and real
and longevity in my finity
what else is there .. ?
everything else is chasing the wind
rather than letting that powerful Wind move me
seems to me life is radically more, shockingly more than what we're nurtured into by our progenitors and peers and professionals
and professors in the pulpit ..
we are living temples of the Creator
.. imagine that .. use your inagination
let it swish around in your mouth as if tasting a vintage wine
inages of the God that brought it all here
descendants of the original images
formed from the very dirt of the cosmos
by the very God of the cosmos
in a very personal intimate fashioning
embodying the very image and likeness
of the hands that personally personalized the dirt and dust ..
what a phenomenal imagining
and to dust i shall return
this form transforning again into the present image
of the Creator Man in heaven
endowed a 'brother' .. a brother !
almost unthinkaable
totally lost for words ..
no matter the powerful WindSpirit is able to take the ineffable of our mind
and transform it into meaning
for God knows the mind of the Spirit that knows our mind
and there, RighHanded to God, lives and moves and has his being the Man in whose image we were made
and while i type these words my mind is roiled at its impotence
in the presence of a Presence it cannot fathom
only encounter
only embrace
only lean full-weighted into
only bless and be blessed
all my presumed meaning becomes futile
lost in the clutter and meaninglessness of the spacedusted flotsam we call life
which is life not
life lost
life confused by pleasure and posture and pretense and prosperity and property and progress-so-called
somehow i have to find that Man
be infused by him
transformed again into His image
be swallowed entirely
such that my talk of 'christian' loses significance in the face of true Meaning
and i fall headlong into Love
the same Love that envisioned me when He thoughtfully gathered red dirt and shaped and contoured and imaged and breathed and spoke ..
that Love
it may well be that i'm on life 9 in cat speak
i lost count
regardless .. whether 9 or 7, it's high time i awoke out of the Earthslumber to intention that drives me to newlife in the Christ person
the Lord Christ
the original Son of Human
drowned in His essence
baptized into a resurrection that transports me out of Worldview into Hisview
empowers me to overcome the false human i was raised to be
encumbered by the utterly false systems of the world in which i live
and to live in, but not of, this worldhome
fully engaged in the heartbeat of God
for justice and mercy and embrace of all of life
honouring the intention of Creator God for all life to be 'good', fruitful
in a shared environment of coexistence and maturity
and fullness and prosperity
all of it reflecting the God who will soon again be all, in all
to be human is to reflect the True Human who lived and moved and had his being here for a mere 30-something earthyears
to be truly human means reaching for his mind
the mind of Christ
informing my encumbered self by his spirit
my spirit overcome entirely
submitted entirely
faithfully following
disciple in the moving shadow of Master Jesus
seeking his face
yearning for his filling
so that i am entirely lost in the overpowering aroma of Presence
this is my life 9 vision
were it to be a day or 10 years
i desire to spend it till it is enirely spent
to lose my self daily in the overflowing of his Person
soaking my self in the wonder of him
trying my best to overflow that into the present lifebeing of those i encounter so they too will recognize for themselves the immaculate person of Jesus
recognize in thhemselves their true humanity as exemplifed in the pristine Man
who is the original Image
their image
and image that
what else is there .. . . .
we mistakenly exchanged the faithfullness of faith for ' belief '
some preset set of tenets and policies and facts-so-called
Jesus was faithfull to his God enirely
even when he doubted
some scholars posit that many of the places where ' faith of Christ ' or ' faith in Christ ' is presently presented in our version of the bible, it should more correctly be rendered ' the faithfulness of Christ '
a thought that bears serious consideration
a thought that redirects my assent-christianity towards a faith
that speaks to allegiance
reflected in every waking (and hopefully sleeping/unconscious) moment

revamping wholsale my life
retuning my ear and refocusing my eye
refreshing my heart
remaking me
Lord Christ
i want all of you
i believe
help me in my unbelief
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