one i've been struggling with for a week
which is a derivative of another failed draft ..
they will all have to wait ..
i've been sicky recently
but decided to brave the this-year unusual 35 degrees
and head-out to one of my favourite places for sunday meet ..
and i'm ever so glad
'cause what came down the pipe was refreshingly genuine theology
for someone (me) tired of the same 'ol
and longing for real spirited inspired truth a la hip
no playing games
i'm certain i'm not going to be able to render the talk in any justifiable way
but i'll post a couple thoughts i managed to scribble down ..
i couldn't keep-up with the many poignant quotables
and what we see as beauty is undeserving of the truly beautiful
which often needs to be discovered for its beneath-the-surfaceness ..
the subject was Jesus the man
the texts were Isaiah 53:2 ff. and the end of Luke 23
the Isaiah passage ..
He grew up under the Lord’s gaze
a tender green shoot from a root in dry ground.
There was nothing beautiful or majestic in his appearance,
nothing to attract us to him.
He was despised and rejected
a man of sorrows, acquainted with deepest grief.
We turned our backs on him and looked the other way.
He was despised,
and we did not care.
And yet it was our weaknesses he carried,
it was our sorrows that weighed him down ..
and we thought his troubles were a punishment from God,
a punishment for his own sins !
Truth is he was pierced for our rebellion,
crushed for our sins.
He was beaten so we could be whole.
He was whipped so we could be healed.
a nearquote ..
" God sent Jesus and he appeared in humility
and it unnerved us ..
we expected pomp and splendour so we could justify our own desires for a king
instead we got a servant
who washes feet "
a nearquote ..
" the churches have made themselves look kingly, empire-like
rather than like Jesus in his humility " ..
because we want empire ..
which begs the question .. when people enter our churchspace
do they get the savour of Jesus the humble servant ? ..
nearquote ..
" we want a king
and Jesus shows up and calls us back to our humanity " ..
and this is loaded with the righteous truth
that we so unlike what we are in our own humanity
that we look for a Saul rather than a David
like we did back then
we want regal and impressive to replace the ' despicable me ' i see in myself ..
nearquote ..
" when you learn to love the hideous, you'll learn to hate the ' beautiful ' " ..
i'll leave that one hanging ..
nearquote ..
" we despised Love ..
we condemned ourselves
when we looked in the mirror of His face and saw us there ..
and we despised Him for it "
nearquote ..
" Jesus lowered himself to love us
and as a result we lowered our opinion of him "
nearquotes ..
" we would have considered him a god worthy of worship
if he had looked like one "
" he could have amazed us with display of cosmic marvels
but he came and washed our feet "
" the theologians say he lay aside the beautiful things of God to come here ..
Jesus didn't see it that way
he saw it as stepping into beauty
and revealed the beauty of us "
" the scars made Jesus even more beautiful "
" Jesus lowered himself for us
but he didn't consider it a sacrifice
he sees the beauty in us "
" i see you "
i rest
what a beautiful message .. .
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