they serve to separate
can serve to divide
perhaps if not the primary issue, one of the main issues with apostle paul
was unity
one Body
one mind
one intention
one love
one in Christ
we are called to live with the motivation of elevating others over our own selves
to consider others before ..
" Don’t be selfish; don’t try to impress others. Be humble, thinking of others
as better than yourselves. Don’t look out only for your own interests, but
take an interest in others, too. You must have the same attitude
that Christ Jesus had. " (Paul at Philp 2 3-5)
this calling seems ridiculous
it makes no sense
Jesus washed their feet
and demonstrated serving each other ..
we are in the very midst of a challenge to be distant
to create a border
to shield ourselves
to stand apart
while the Lover of our souls calls us to share
to reach each other in love
to move towards
to walk into
to deliver our bodies into his care
to be the salt and bring the light
regard for our neighbours stands as the outstanding commandment
along with loving our God
so then in this time of walking away and standing back and turning to the left and the right
let us instead cross the street
bind the wounds of the wounded
feed the hungry
clothe the naked
offer relief to the poor
friendship to the disengaged and the distanced
encouragement to the downhearted
hope to the defeated
promise to those that live in the dark
knowing that our God is solid good to keep promises
.. wait for it
for when we look to God for help
God is looking directly back at us in expectation
that we be the ear that hears the call
the hands that give help
the mouth that speaks encouraging truth
the feet that walk towards the hurting
the heart that burns for their neighbour's wellbeing
sometimes we worry that people will not see God and know Jesus unless we challenge them from the scriptures
but the Presence of our God is in us and speaks boldly through our loving intentional movement towards others
perhaps moreso than our preaching
perhaps sometimes the letter kills while the spirit brings life
let us then not grow weary in doing good
" share each other's burdens and in this way fulfill the law of Christ
if you think yourself too important for that you're deceiving yourself
test yourself and see you stand responsible to yourself in it ..
we sow what we reap
so then, let's not tire of doing the good
we will see a harvest in good time ..
whenever we have opportunity to do good, do good! to everyone!
particularly those in our own Faithcommunity " (as per Paul)
what better opportunity to demonstrate the love of God in Jesus

right now
find a way to be used
one person is not too few
one person is enough
be the one person
may the love of our God
and the grace of Jesus, our Lord Christ
and the intimate embrace of our holy spirit of God
be ours
as we move forward
into this unknown
hand in hand
peace to you
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