to whom every knee will soon bend in love
to whom every tongue will readily confess you as Lord in their native voice
teach us to .. wait, you did ..
help us to have your attitude of unity in love
to be moved to treat others better than we treat ourselves
may we carry in the forefront of our heart's mind your move towards us
by emptying yourself
taking the form of a slave and becoming flesh
humbling yourself
even to the place of death
even to the place of cross-death
for us
may we too look for ways to empty ourselves in the direction of others in love
help me then
to be watchful
to discern
to listen for your voice
to be wanting always to obey
to move recognizing your ever-present presence
to reach out
to welcome
to touch
to embrace
to encourage
to come alongside
to compassion
to heal
to speak loving-kindness
to challenge wicked intention
to stand against injustice
to stand for righteousness
to walk with through
You as my strength
my energy
my presence
my intention
my motivation
my vision
my eyes
my ears
my tongue
my feet
my hands
my heart
my mind
my resource
my source
to be used
for reconciliation
for peace
for provision
for light
for goodness
for relief
for comfort
for encouragement
for unity
as a basin
as a weathervane
as a recliner
as a peaceful space
as a loaf of bread
as a pleasing aroma
as a rock
as a rainbow
as a stroll along a wooded path
as a fragrant flower in full bloom
as a walk on the water
as a healing touch
as a pleasant memory
as a ray of sunshine
as a mouthful of cool water
as a shade tree
as a bed of thick grass
as a sky of shape-shifting clouds
as a bird call
as a sign of your promises and your power to carry them out
as a touchstone for your faithfulness in every kind of trial
as a river for immersion into a pure heart
as a reminder of your unsurpassable and indescribable and
unfathomable love vulnerably displayed on the cross
as a path leading Your Way
as a window open to new life
as a fresh breeze of your spirit as you come and go in ways we may yet learn
always flavored with love
wash my heart's hands
sanitize the mind of me
distance me from evil
create a space between me and
hurtful words
renew my spirit
refresh my soul
as I look ardently for you in the face of that one and this one
and her and him
open my heart's arms to embrace the You i see in them
the me I see in them
the them I see in me
move me out of private space into their space
including them
in my time
in my focus
in my energy
in my praying
in my living
and my moving
and my having my being
may I be your virus
infecting people everywhere with your love
passing on kindness
and gentleness
and gratitude
and joy
and mercy
and peace
and patience
and trust
and hope
your love rising in them like sap in its season
producing verdant foliage and every kind of good fruit
and may the whole world be overfilled with the presence of You, filling everything everywhere with your goodness through the grace of our Lord Christ, Jesus
we appeal to You through him the Frontrunner and Fullfiller of our faith
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