when my bed is a tumbling sea of frustration, rising up rolling down, turns and falls in the dark
I cry out to you
when enemy swoops, black against the blackness
the sound of webbed wing smashing the air, putrid breathstench blasting my face in his pass
I cry out to you
when his demons swarm, some enflashed like me
flaming tongues that would assault my integrity, challenge my good, twisting it to shape evil
I cry out to you
I will not betray you though they threaten my very life
I will not turn my back on you when he screams at me in the dark
accusing, threatening, baring his fangs in fierce anger, pointing his twisted finger
I cry out to you
you are my master and there is none can sway me
you are my Savior even if the saving must wait
you are my lover, the one that holds my heart
it is to you I cry out
my hope is in you
Your Love has overwhelmed me, recreated me
I long to see your face
I see you

let my sleep run, my bed boil
let my enemy assail, his demons swarm, his hot accusations fly
as long as there is a breath in me I will trust in you
I will cry out to you
I am yours
fail me not
hasten to my aid
I weaken - how much more must I absorb ?
how much longer ?
I cry out to you
I see you !
I see you