in context (apostle paul, romans) it speaks to our responsibility to not allow what we know to be 'cool' to become a stumblingblock to a brother or sister .. they may not have the same take on it at that point in their spirituality
.. .. .
in my own way, i suppose, i follow Jesus .. least i'm trying
he's the one that calls the shots for me, even when it's 'eventually' calls the shots 'cause i interpose myself and diss' checking him first - i usually come around
thing is, when you try your 'darnedest' to be his disciple, moving when he says (including across country), shutting-up when he says or speaking when he says, etc., and you still get slammed by this thing or that person ... .
it begs the question .. soooooo .. why?!!
how come i'm trying to be the bestest i can, and i still get nailed to somebody's cross-agenda
. . . . ........ .
i have no definitive answer to that
i only know this
bring it on!!!!
bring it, 'cause you know what?
it is not my responsibility ..
so .. while you try to wrap your brain around that insane statement, consider ..
if i give my life to God, committing my way to him, denying my self, and picking-up my cross every day, following Jesus as my master, my rabbi
then i have committed myself to God and God is responsible for me, regardless of what happens to me ..
that's part and parcel of the commitment ..
Jesus said stuff like this: "unless you hate your father and mother.. you can't be my disciple"
"if you hang on to your life, you'll end up losing it; but if you're willing to loose (and lose too) your life for my sake and for the sake of the gospel, you will find life .. real life"
"no person that puts their hand to the plow and looks back is worthy of the kingdom"
"there's no-one that gives up the stuff of this life, on this earth, for my sake that will not regain it in the kingdom, repaid many times over"
to a wealthy person, "sell all you have and give it all to the poor; then you can come follow me"
to a woman looking to fill her jar with water, "i can give you living water, water that will bubble-up into fulllife, life to the fullest; you will never thirst again"
to a religious leader, "unless you're born of the spirit, you can't enter the kingdom of God" ..
this is the kind of thinking i've turned to
this is the attitude i have taken-on
this is the sort of life i am chasing .. a life led by my spirit under the authority of Jesus' spirit
i take God at what God says
i believe Jesus when he says '"do this" or "go there"
and i do and i go, with or without the means, seeing or not seeing how it will play out in terms of my food, shelter, wellbeing ..
those things are his responsibility
i say none of this in braggadocio
i'm not flying in the face of God
i'm simply working on the basis of the God i've come to know, who this God is, especially as manifested in the person of Jesus
i believe it when he says he got my back
i have to
that's an integral part of my discipling
an integral part of who i am now
for me to follow Jesus means i try to be Jesus
if Jesus was in my position .. would he do anything less ??
nah, mate ..
fact is, the rest is up to God
i am in God's hands .. period
and what God does with that is God's business
not mine
I love the God you have come to know so intimately that your trust is explicitly in Him.
ReplyDeleteThere is no fear in you...just love and trust~