most present is the constant short-fall of the water .. rolling, falling a few inches, recovering gleefully and rolling on, as if it's the most natural thing
that sound .. not monotone-ous - there is variation, but regular enough to lull, cooing
the woods barren, save for a few tireless green shrubs and evergreens, and that unrelenting vine .. suffocating, gradually stealing lifebreath from its victims, ever so gradual ..
the one promotes sustains encourages life, energizing
the other leeches, borrowing, never to give back
even in the prelude to Spring, that glorious dance of nature celebrating newlife, birth, resurrection, the longed-for soon-coming revival after winter's death-strike
cycling seasons of life, always repeating, yet ever new
how do you ever get over the majesty of Spring, or Fall
or the surprising bright-white pristine landscape in the midst of that selfsame deathly stroke ? ..
… . . .
yet we too roll and tumble and recover in the seemingly never-ending season of lifejoy ..
and, far too often participate in the kudzuing, stealing life from life in the dastardly hope of somehow prolonging our own, or somehow enriching it
we destroy, blind in our self-ish fool-ish delusion
and Creator cries
an awe-full sobbing, sporadic with mournful bellows that resound in the corridors of the heavenlies ..
sad, mournful echoes, darkening the very soul of the cosmos ..
death, dying, destruction
the horrid stench of it all ..
maddening confounding ruination
.. quite insane
scaringly evil
. . . . .. .
playful squirrels
happy birdcalls
frogsounds celebrating Springevent
young plants reaching out in hope
daffodil's yellow grin ..
a butterfly !
ha !
Somehow .. somehow, in the dark face of the deceitful delusion of humankind, life persists in it's own unrelenting
bound-up as it is in the destiny of the destroyers, it simply will not admit defeat, will not give up
variety upon unbelieving variety ..
life exults in every breath, dancing wildly in an amazing pursuit of sheer beauty ..
beauty graciously bestowed by Creator, personally designed and formed, leaf by feather, by fin, by tail, by eyelash, ..
.. . .
like us ..
imaginative ingenious expressions of Godself, infused somehow with Godimage, Godlikeness
marvelous manifestations of Godlove ..
when we admit our true self, somehow mine the love within and defy the darkside of life ..
.. .. ' if the Son sets you free, then you are indeed free ', says the Witness of old ..
we are empowered to hope in the face of distress, trust even when we are confused and lost, joy somehow when the light is gone and darkness stifles and troubled waters stir, and there is loss
somehow .. love embraces it all
breathes life and colour and tantalizing fragrance into the dark loss
lives on
dancing even
that is the power of love
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