Wednesday, July 29, 2015

reimagining human ..

we tend to think we know

we tend to think we know
because we think


we 'just' put a satellite in orbit around pluto, a feat that launched from Earthsphere some 9 years ago and, after all those years, ended up precisely on target
our ability to know is obviously far advanced from, say, a generation ago, and that generation's likewise from its predecessor ..

our know-ledge has blossomed at a tremendous rate
'tis true


having prepared Earthspace for the new human creatures, God set about Expressing Goddesire in the human creation
and made from the very Earthmatter a person
someone like Godself

not another god .. God cannot be reproduced ..
but a Godlike being

and God told the beings to create for themselves other beings like them
like God

like this ..
" .. then God said, “Let us make human beings in our image, to be like us.
They will reign over the fish in the sea, the birds in the sky, the livestock, all the wild animals on the earth, and the small animals that scurry along the ground.”  "


if we give any credence at all to the telling of this story, poetic or not, we must admit this to be a tremendously tall order
for CreatorGod to endue these creatures with such innate ability, such cognizance, such power, is almost unimaginable
when we consider humanity today .. when we consider ' me '

have dominion over the fish ? and birds and wild animals and such ??
really ?

naaawww ..
come on ..

i have moved a considerable distance in my religious think in the last decade
but i have not dumped the warp and woof of the creation account, regardless of its genre

i live now in the expectation of Reconciliation and transformation into the image of the Human Jesus,
and i believe he exemplified precisely that mind, that power, that ability while he tenured here
he lived to reset our minds, to provide a visible witness to the innate resources of the pristine human, recreated, a new creation in the mold of the original .. recognition of original human
and that is no poetry ..


so then ..
besides positing an arguable ' belief ', and challenging our concept of how smart we humans are, what's the point after all ?

i'm not so concerned with the marvel of the pluto rocket or 3D printing
my real issue is our spirituality
where are we in our Jesus-journey
where am i ..


when Jesus was about to leave here he said some things and prayed others, found in John's gospel version, chapters 14-17
he told his disciples that even though he was leaving, he wouldn't leave them alone
he was coming back
in spirit
and he would live in them

in them

and he included all of us in his prayer

i take that to mean i am inhabited by Jesus' spirit
which puts me on a really cool plane
'cause now i'm solidly on the way to being that pristine human i mentioned
i have the spirit of the Christ
i have ' the mind of the Christ ' (paul)
i am imaged after the Christ


what christianity has succeeded in doing is de-personalizing the Christimage
creating God in an image created after our think, operative word here being ' think ' ..
we have reduced God to a series of creeds and propositions, doctrines and dogmas, icons and books and position papers
while all the while God simply wants our heart ..
and the way there is by the spirit of God, not my brain
allowing the spirit to live and move and have spiritbeing in my being
swallowing me wholesale and gnawing on me, chewing away the hard parts to reveal the soft underside, the vulnerable me where Godself wants to go, be ..

we have removed ourself from Godself, inserted a vast ocean betwixt and between, and if we ever see God it's dimly, through this hazy polluted vastness, populated by our positions
only the spirit can see-through that


" ask me and i'll give you living water, a wellspring from within you, bubbling-up to life, full life .. you'll never get thirsty again "

" the spitit moves life the wind; you don't know where it comes from nor where it's going "
you can't plot the Spirit's course
she goes where she will, as she wills

those words from the lips of that perfected human are as engaging, as power-full as ever ..
they call us too, not just Nicodemas and the Samaritan woman ..
they call out to  me
come, find life and rest in me
in me

"you search the scriptures for life-in-its-fullness; yet you reject me, of whom the scriptures bear witness .. come to me for life "

you will not find this Life in your dogmaticism, not in your denomination, not in your doomesticated liturgies
come to me

it is the Spirit that gives life, not the letter
the law carries the sting of death
the Spirit bears us out of death into freedom
liberation in Jesus


when God brazenly charged the humans with authority over God's Earth as GodRegents, it wasn't some poetic attempt at legitimizing YHWH

to me it represents the pure expression of Godintention for them

if that's so, then their capacity for carrying it out was innate .. it's a given
hence, we are mere approximations of our original forbears, severely underestimating the abiities we have, even, in my view, in this fallen broken evil-infected world

point being, we are empowered by CreatorGod to represent Godself, and Jesus was manifested to remind us of our heritage and to encourage us to reclaim whatever remains available to us in our devalued and deprived fallen condition .. albeit a condition remedied by the Spirit ..

i think our Spirit-filled self is capable of far more than we recognize, and that capability is useful for tangibly proclaimming the existence and power of the kingdom, when necessary
we must return to the spirit of the Newer Testament, turn to the Spirit within us, and ask God to show us what we are capable of, use us in healing this death-soaked world


i, for one, am dead tired of the debate and the denominating, the squabbles over whatever, the right and the left, the persistent drip drip of a christinity devoid of much of its power in today's world ..
bare mind-games

my God is still God; God is still concerned for Godimaged humanity, still determined to quell all the ranting of the oppositional powers, still invested in newly creating Earth in which God dwells with human

if i claim the name 'Jesus' as my identifier, if i look to walk his road, if my intention is for him to live through me to this world, i simply have to reassess the validity of my way of life, question my self as to my approximation of the manifestation of Jesus in my living, find the spirit of Jesus in me and go there

i covet that pristine power to be a representative of God on this planet, to manifest the person of Jesus in all his faithful ability to heal and undo the powers of darkness, to raise the oppressed out of their hellish existence, to relieve the poor, to bring light and life and vitality, even if it's only a vestige of the original

this has to be a vital part of the re-imagined humanity which Jesus exemplified

and i want to be utterly human

Saturday, July 25, 2015

re-humanising Jesus ..

perhaps in our collective glee over the state sponsorship of Christianity, thereby declaring it cool by an imperial power, we sought to euthanize the humanity of Jesus and remake him into God ..

that raises the hackles on the back of orthodox Christianity I suppose .. so be it
(by orthodox I mean historic creedal Christianity, including all the current manifestations, including evangelicalism)


in my reading of the Gospels' witness I come to the distinct conclusion that this person was human, and nothing but human, during his tenure among us ..
further to that, Hebrews in particular shores up that conclusion.. and Paul

it's not unlikely that the Christianity of that time sought to divinize Jesus - it provided for an exalted religion comparatively, giving it a one-up on other faith systems or, at least, putting it in the same category, able to be seen as great an alternative


when pre-incarnate Jesus, as the Word or Expression of God, created humanity, he did so 'in the image of God', ie. We are a God-imaged race; we are like God ..

what GodExpression did, when the time was right, was exchanged Divinity for Humanity (Philippians 2) ...
his identification with us was now complete..
which brings us full circle.. human is created in the image of GodCreator, and now GodCreator takes back human imagery for himself

if we allow our pre-indoctrinated minds to consider this possibility, we may find we are able to read scripture differently, not skipping over the parts we find ourselves ' ? 'ing in the margins or standing on the head of a pin to explain away

further to that, consider Jesus' expectation of his followers - he acted as if they had the authority as well as the ability to do the things he did, things we are accustomed to attributing to the 'fact' that he was God ..
like Peter walking on water
like telling the disciples they should feed the 5,000 listeners
like upbraiding them for their lack of faith when they didn't heal or cast out demons
like saying his followers would do greater things than he did

we've logically rationalized it away, we've theologized it away
simply because we cannot have a human Jesus ..

so we constructed a failsafe, an explanation to cover all the inconsistencies, silence all the queries - we have the god-man, 100% God 100% man
'they' are not to be confused
'they' are not to be separated

if Jesus was hungry we say he was human - " humans get hungry "
if Jesus walked on water or calmed a storm we say " 'course he could; he's God! "

we created a Christ to whom we attach divinity when what was reasonably expected all along by his people, the Jews, scriptures in view, was a Jewish Messiah, a man who would release Israel from bondage, sort of a second Exodus, and reinstall Israel's authority as the people of the land ..

in fact even more scripturally realistic, we have the suffering servant of Isaiah, a man who was nothing exceptional to look at, nothing majestic in his bearing, nothing particularly attractive (Isaiah 53:2) ..
then take this person and reduce him to the level of a common criminal, convict him with no evidence, and crucify him with criminals ..


while it behooves the great Christianity to exalt itself to the heavens, it bears consideration that it behooved God to humble himself to the Earth, to become sin (2Corinthians 5.21), to suffer as a sinner so that humanity could be delivered from its lifelong fear of death and be reconciled to God

this one who took our flesh and our humanity, lived and moved and had his being here among us, one of us
his life was the final statement of the gracious supermacy of humanity over all creation, created in the image of God, created with the authority and the ability to graciously rule over the earth as faithful caretakers of God's creative genius

to posit divinity as part of that life, as the ground on which he was able to overcome sin, and to disturb the natural order of Earth's systems and the powers of darkness that oppressed humanity, is to blatantly undo the entire point of his humanity in the first place ..
for there is nothing at all special about God resisting temptation, or calming the anger of the seas, healing a man born blind, or ordering a legion of demons to leave the body of a self-mutilating man in whom dwells the 'imago dei' ..
nothing at all


what Jesus is to me is the last Adam (1Corinthians 15:45), the second man (1Cor 15:47) ..

his gracious human manifestation serves primarily to bring us to the recognition of God-in-us, and all the grand authority and power that entails, as told-to and expected-of the very first humans as per Genesis 1 & 2

reenactment of original humanity, only this time constantly and consistently dependent on God, totally submitted, wholly dedicated to the will of God

we have forgotten who we are..
we don't recognize our selves anymore
we live in unconscious denial of our heritage
we act as if we were any other Earth-creature .. in fact we act, to our shame, shamefully inferior to the othercreatures of God's creation, destroying, raping, killing, killing each other for profit and for religion..
we have made our Christ-God into a war-god in whose name we seek to subject other humans, made in God image, like us

Jesus came here to show us the real human, to remove the myopsy of our vision and the small-mindedness from our minds, to reassert the value of humanity and of every human in God's eyes, to tear down religion and religious exclusion, to write the word 'love' on our hearts ..

this is the person I see in the stories of the Gospelers, this man totally given over to God, expressing true and original humanity in all its power, in faith, in love..

this is the person I follow, seated now, a man, at the right hand of God, waiting 'till all Earthly powers and all other-worldly authority to be made his footstool ..

and when everything has been placed under his authority, Jesus will then turn everything over to God, to be placed under the rightful authority of God ..

and then .. Jesus himself, King of kings, Lord of lords, will himself place himself under the authority of God
and God will be all
in all
blessed be his name
(1Corinthians 15)

this man undid the undoing of humanity, and in his lifetime reestablished humanity as bearers of Godimage by heredity

this is the god I serve
this is the Jesus I follow

peace to you

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

abuse, children and the heart of God ..

i'm repeatedly reminded of the sexual abuse that apparently rampages
much more so than i ever imagined .. still can't imagine
and it seems the reminders draw closer to ' home ' each time

sex is an issue close to the heart of God
it is God's gift to his creatures and, in our case at least, the ultimate intention is unity, oneness, a core concern of God
God even intimates that in scriptures that speaks to Christ's relationship with the church
so that it carries with it a scent of ' holy ' ..
that ultimate intimacy-forming interaction that provides for physical and emotional highs points us to a spiritual intimacy with Godself somehow

to take that beneficient blessing and twist it into a dehumanizing instrument of torture against a defenseless child has got to be one of the foremost evils of our race ..

the immense damage to the psyche is immeasurable .. seems to me only God is able to heal such wounds ..
but it does speak to the nobility of the human spirit that those so abused could walk on, bearing in their body the mangles that must have hurt so, and for so long

for those who have not been able to do that, i hurt ..
the damage to their mind, the intolerable nights, the howling darknesses that block intimacy, the ' guilt ' they drag into every room .. sometimes is unhealable it seems, leaving a dysfunctional mind and a spirit forever clawing its way out ..

for me, there are no words to such an abused one
no words
they are to be loved, doubly so, silently, compassionately, with all the Godlove i can muster

i look to be more aware and more available, more open to young people, and to older people who've borne abuse on the inside for years, never able to release it to someone
God helping me

the words of Jesus scream ..
 “ Offenses will certainly come, but woe to the one they come through!
It would be better for them if a millstone were hung around their neck and they were thrown into the sea than for them to cause one of these little ones to stumble. "

Sunday, July 19, 2015

dance the dance ..

as we dance life
we misstep, crush a toe, trip a dancer ..
but dance !
the twirl upended a chair
but dance on !

the dance and dancing is the thing
not the misstep
dance !

aghh ! they stepped on my toe
purposely ?
to trip me ?
.. dance on !
i dance yet !
the trip is merely a feint, a stone in my shoe

i will dance yet !

swirls and twirls
passes and turns
tiptoed and slide ..
this dance .. it moves me
as i move through it
on it
with it

the dance and dancing is the thing
dance the dance

guitar bongo
sitar lute
fiddle my way
strum my heart
blow my mind ..
this dance ..

a day, maybe, i'll not dance ..
winged dancers, maybe, will bear me away
to that great dancehall
under the mahogany tree by the lake

perhaps there i'll rest, a while ..
watch them move to a cosmic beat
a tenor not so familiar ..
and yet .. i recognize it

later .. after i've soaked my feet in that very blue clarity
i'll walk barefoot to the sandy floor
and swirl and twirl
and pass and turn ..

to that not-so-familiar recognizable beat
hands flung wide
face upturned

lost in the dance

dancing my heart away

to-a-tone  ..  

with the dance

Saturday, July 18, 2015

in the image of God ..

and God said to Godself " let's create human, and let's create them in our image, like us "

and so it was that GodExpression stooped down and wrote in the dirt with a finger, and then scooped and scraped dirty clay into a pile, and formed an image of Godself, an image consisting of the very elements that had been used to make the earth

then GodExpression bent over the image and breathed Godbreath into its mouth , and Godimage lived, and breathed the very breath of God ..

and the living Godimage moved and had its being, imaging God, imagining all that God imagined for human created in the image of God ..

make it so ..

Friday, July 17, 2015

rumi-nating and shooting my self ..

rohr in his meditation today introduced rumi, whom I know a bit of, and quotes one of his poems thus ..

one who can quit seeing himself ~
I look for one simple and open enough to see the Friend, not an intelligence
weighing several perspectives. i want an empty shell to hold this pearl not
a stone who pretends to have secret center, when the surface is all through.
I want one who can quit seeing himself, fill with God and, instead of being
irritated by interruption and daily resentments, feel those as kindnesses ..

end quote


the enigma of loving my enemy ..
the enemy is

Jesus hit the road hard when he said to love my enemy ..
initially I saw that as an opponent in war, then an antagonist in a fight, then a coworker who disliked me intensely or someone who challenged my religious views, then an irritating antagonistic family member, then a roommate ..
and all along I never recognised the real enemy was me

some years ago I led a Bible study in which I 'wisely' attempted to teach the principle of the small self
my tool was a drawing ..
the point of the drawing was, the bigger the target the easier it is to hit it
if I'm too large people can easily strike, or, the smaller I am the less of a target ..
that really is a lopsided way of pointing out the too-large 'I', for it isn't the problem of the shooters, it's the issue of the target .. the shooters matter not
mine is to take to heart the words of John the Baptizer .. "he must increase and I must decrease", or as rumi put it, this far-too-often feeling of assault, of 'anti' aura directed at me, of conflict thick and swampy, is me ..
it is 'I' struggling .. for what ? ..
the absence of conflict ?
the acceptance of the other ? .. rather the acceptance of me by the other
my desire to be liked, respected ? ..

methinks I'm far too important to me, much too large in my own estimation
the mystic, non-dual (rohr) mindset seeks to simply be, to allow the assault or confrontation, to not be irritated or resentful, but in the crazy unlikely words of Rumi feel those as kindnesses ..

that is totally crazy
as impossible as the words of that famous rabboni - " love your enemy ", because your enemy is you

And the only viable way to do that is to 'lower' my self to their level, cut my own throat instead of theirs ..

then embrace the bloodied me

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

u gotta read this

sometimes you read something and you know it got ya ..

go for it

it's far better than the post I've been struggling with for days

church of ' the last shall be first ' ..

got irons in the fire .. but they need to simmer a while, i think

meanwhile, the thought here is a recurring theme of my soul .. pardon the revisit


i've become convinced (in my own mind) that the church of Jesus Christ has undone the gospel in its fullness ..
it has defined and shaped, by its actions and proclamations in creeds and such, an organisation built on human logic, method and agenda, when what Jesus intended and instituted was an organism, a lively interplay of familial beings living-out life together in all its facets, the pain and sorrow alongside the healing and joy ..
life lived

the kingdom of God is not of this world, neither are the weapons of our warfare .. the entire structure and underlying worldview is otherworldly ...
adopting worldly views and weapons provides for an ungainly creature, hobbling and wobbly, bouncing off walls .. people are hurt by it, ' imago deis ' are wounded and bruised, both within and without the body, having to hobble along through life ..

that is not Christ's church .. it is some wrecked and ruined, wretched and ruinous animal with missing teeth and claws, contending for worldly territory ..
it is mutant


Jesus' vision for body is, first and primary, love .. out of that all else proceeds ..
love fires the motives, the actions, the responses, the agendas, the teaching and preaching, the ' ministry ', the relations, both within and without ..
it must colour the walls, adorn the sanctuary and the soup kitchen, drape the windows

so that when they speak evil of the church, they do so out of a frustrated attempt to undermine and fracture an organism fueled by selflessness, dwelling in a  culture driven by ' mine's ', their arrows unable to penetrate the flesh that absorbs hatred and violence and division and abuse and assault, a kingdom that operates ' from above ' , withstanding and overcoming, maturing and thriving on its alternative energy source, its life informing and educating even the otherworldly powers and authorities who look on in wonder and puzzlement ..
all the while present ..
in the world
living with and in
part of, yet not of
sharing, caring, listening, refuge-ing, embracing
speaking by being ..
lovingly present and available
open to all, but particularly those on the verge, those with no doors, the shut-out, the reject, the despised, the hated
particularly those .. for the last shall be first ..


this upside-downedness shines a blazing light on the market-driven capitalistic mind, society indoctrinated with must-have, more, and mine ..
by its pure and simple attitude of caring and sharing it upends ' getting ' and opens its hand - " come, thirsty ones; come and drink of the water of life freely ' ..

the church response to violence cannot be violence, to hatred cannot be hatred, to abuse cannot be abuse ..

this living being bears a Head scarred by thorns, wet with tears, compassioned ..
the one who begged forgiveness for his murderers while his blood willingly coloured the dry hardness of the dirt from which we all are made, beckons us to follow him .. even when it feels like God is forsaking me


it is in releasing, in the letting-go of life, that the life of God is manifest .. life given, not frantically grasped
' I ' poured out .. the continual emptying of Me makes room for living water, a well bubbling-up within, overflowing the fresh clarity of Godlife onto a parched earth .. giving life, verdant with Godlove, which binds everything in perfect harmony

that is the vision, the molten core of the church that Jesus built

ours is to revision that vision, refresh it
live it to the world in which we must be present

peace to you

Sunday, July 5, 2015

smallmindedness, fractions, and God ..

readers familiar with this blog know that it's personal - it's a refection of my mind as i work my way through life-as-it-is at now ..

this morning i wrote in my journal - which is absolutely private, as in between me and my God .. however, as the day progressed i recognized God in it all, and thought i would share the shareable parts ..
maybe you will find something there for you
please be advised, like they do in the movies - 'language'


the blog ..
" i live in a bullshit world of bullshitting people, of personal agendas and selfish motivations, where smallminded people care for naught but their own, and twist the lives of those within their influence to feed their sense of self and achievement ..
this could rightly be called manipulation = abuse

mine is to find a clear path such that i don't end up with that warm mess between my toes ..

today, Lord master, please open my mind to the good and to life and to sunshine and to colour .. and to somehow embrace the frustration .. "


then i went to be with church
the message today was like .. for me, mine, i did it, I am it ..
it's sooooooo my blogmind kindathing

the preacherman spoke on our false self, the unreal us that we create to impress people .. our pretense and posturing to image who i'm not to get people to like me .. so that people never really get to know the real me that i am
and the people in my influence lose out, because they never get to meet the me i was designed to be ..

and what we end up doing is manipulating people with our smallminded concept of reality and some false concept of who i need to be to win the approval of people, which i apparently need to fuel my false identity ..
it's all a twisted confusing web of lies and fractionated lies and truths and fractionated truth ..
1/4's and 1/2's with decimal points ..
and lots and lots of zeros


and then i thought ..
perhaps i'm part of the bullshit ..
i am smallminded ..
i am manipulative ..
i twist the lives of others to suit me
and my sense of wellbeing is watered by how well i do that, how many likes i get on my FB page or blog


when i flip back a couple pages in my journal i read of a struggle i'm having with my self over this dualistic mindset of mine - being bothered by things that bother me, and unable to deal with it ..
it's been on for far too long ..
it repeatedly rises to the surface, and i can look at it, chase it away, pray about it, and 3 minutes later i'm back in that smallmindedness - bothered, critiquing, not understanding 'their' smallmindedness and allowing that to upset my teacup, spilling stuff all over the laced tablecloth ..
again and again and ..

i have to stop letting people influence my mindset ..
find my identity and value and wellbeing (shalom) solely in Jesus ..
and i have to love those people that frustrate me ..

it is what it is .. let it be, and move on


else .. what's this life for anyway ? ..
i mean, am i following Jesus or what ..
and if i am, then this internal struggle with smallmindedness and smallminded people simply will not cut it ..



i just though that maybe when you read this and see God move from my journals over the last few days, to my journal this morning, to the message for the church ..
well, it's kinda like i get this warm feeling inside ..
'cause you know what ?
God's working on me
and i know he is
i can see it
feel it

and i like it

peace to you

Friday, July 3, 2015

my take on Jesus' take on it ..

it's been germinating, and i'm still lost ..

the happenings of the past few weeks in this united states have brought us to talk, to consider, to bark, to bite, to burn churches and flags, and to group - drawing deeper lines in our heart, or erasing heartlines - as america struggles with racism, gay issues and the rights of this world's kingdoms vs the kingdom of God

that is a mouthfull and a brainfull
and a heartfull

we struggle with what we were taught, how we were brought up, what the preacher says, what our friend said ..
and it tears at us
rips in some cases


to me, the saddest part is ' christianity's ' battle; not with the governement or the gay or the racist, but with the brother there, the sister here, that church and this congregation and that denomination over there !
locking and loading ..

and Jesus bleeds, great tears, as-it-were drops of blood, pooling deep red in the sand at his feet ..


seems to me (= my opinion) .. most of it amounts to illwill badfeelings anger .. hatred
.. .

one day Jesus stood on a hill somewhere in his homeland and said some things that simply upset everyone's applecart, particularly the religious applecart, his religion's applecart ..

crazy things that people, to this day, mull-over and write copious missives to explain

one of the definitive comments he made concerned being 'perfect as your father in heaven is perfect', a radical injunction which totally blindsides me as i try to wrap my brain around being perfect like God ..

at Matthew's account, chappter 5, begging at verse 43, he said this:
“You have heard the law that says, ‘Love your neighbor’ and hate your enemy. 
But I say, love your enemies! Pray for those who persecute you! In that way, you will be acting as true children of your Father in heaven, for he gives his sunlight to both the evil and the good, and he sends rain on the just and the unjust alike. 
If you love only those who love you, what reward is there for that? Even corrupt tax collectors do that much. If you are kind only to your friends how are you different from anyone else? Even pagans do that. 
But you are to be perfect, even as your Father in heaven is perfect."

when i read this, i'm struck by the unlikely, improbable concept of loving someone i hate ..
how do you do that exactly ..
like, dude .. there's no such thing as a round square

kinda like some other stuff he said - " want to experience true life? kill yourself every day. " = commit suicide


well, it doesn't say much that you love your family and friends and buddies in your church .. everybody does that
the thing that will define you as children of God is to love the one you hate
the black
the rebel
the gay
the racist
the jew
the white supremacist
the flag burner
the ISIS
the hitler
the drunk that killed your child
the person that abused your child
the person that stole your life-savings
the boss that hates you

love them

because, you see, that's how God works
that's the heart of God
he sends sunshine and rain on the evil and the good ..
you do likewise .. if you want to be recognized as children of God
if you want to be perfect like your father in heaven

no distinction


so that when the church's response to the SCOTUS decision is that america, a country ' based on christian principles ', is walking straight into the jaws of hell, inviting the judgement of God on this nation for its blasphemous wickedness, like sodom and gomorrah ..
then .. i wonder ..

when the preacher's response is to look out for the next earthquake or tornado or hurricane to destroy and maim, claiming that is God's judgement
actually wishing for it ..

when the preacher's response is that we are closing-in on the end, and we should 'look up', for the return of the Lord is near at hand ..

i wonder ..

is that our response, as people who wear the defining mark of the Christ, stand under the sign of the cross
that very cross on which he submitted his life without fighting back, without hating
he asked God to forgive them because they really didn't understand what they were doing ..

that was Jesus
my master
our master

and we draw weapons, holster bibles and sharpen tongues, spew venom from pulpits, point fingers and ball fists, spittle splattering the pulpit ..
we walk the very road Jesus told us not to take
by the doing, we identify ourselves as not children of God, as we sit in our pew and sing those songs of the faith .. "onward christian soldier!"
take 'em down!
we can't wait for God to return and judge these wicked people!

" i just can't wait to leave this evil earth and go to heaven " ..


seems to me (= my opinion) that Jesus came here to show us how to live, and the defining mark, as in the mark, of Godattitude he exemplified was love ..

he was teaching us how to be real humans, like we were designed to be
he was telling us to beat the swords into ploughshares and turn the spears into pruning hooks
he was erasing lines in the sand with his sandals, while writing 'love thy neighbour' in the sand with his finger

he was telling stories about enemies loving each other, that hated Samaritan undoing the religious Jews snobbery of their robbed and beaten fellow-Jew, showing love and care
for his 'enemy'


Jesus wasn't telling us to look to escape the evil of this world
God desires that all people everywhere repent, and is longsuffering, bearing the assault on Godself, the spittle on Godface ..
God wants noone to perish, as in no one

God wants us to face the evil, to embrace the 'evildoer'
to love my enemy as my self
to love my enemy
as if my enemy was me
i am my enemy
my enemy is me

we all are created in the image of Godself

we all are worth life

mine is not to hang on to life
it is to understand that real life is life spent (in the real sense of that word) in the service of the other, including my enemy other, especially my enemy other ..

for what is our life ? .
it is but a breeze, a flower fading, a weed blown with the wind ..

real life is Christlife, offered willingly for the others in my life
even the one that would take my life

offered willingly
in Jesus' name
for God's sake