we tend to think we know
we tend to think we know
because we think
we 'just' put a satellite in orbit around pluto, a feat that launched from Earthsphere some 9 years ago and, after all those years, ended up precisely on target
our ability to know is obviously far advanced from, say, a generation ago, and that generation's likewise from its predecessor ..
our know-ledge has blossomed at a tremendous rate
'tis true
having prepared Earthspace for the new human creatures, God set about Expressing Goddesire in the human creation
and made from the very Earthmatter a person
someone like Godself
not another god .. God cannot be reproduced ..
but a Godlike being
and God told the beings to create for themselves other beings like them
like God
like this ..
" .. then God said, “Let us make human beings in our image, to be like us.
They will reign over the fish in the sea, the birds in the sky, the livestock, all the wild animals on the earth, and the small animals that scurry along the ground.” "
if we give any credence at all to the telling of this story, poetic or not, we must admit this to be a tremendously tall order
for CreatorGod to endue these creatures with such innate ability, such cognizance, such power, is almost unimaginable
when we consider humanity today .. when we consider ' me '
have dominion over the fish ? and birds and wild animals and such ??
really ?
naaawww ..
come on ..
i have moved a considerable distance in my religious think in the last decade
but i have not dumped the warp and woof of the creation account, regardless of its genre
i live now in the expectation of Reconciliation and transformation into the image of the Human Jesus,
and i believe he exemplified precisely that mind, that power, that ability while he tenured here
he lived to reset our minds, to provide a visible witness to the innate resources of the pristine human, recreated, a new creation in the mold of the original .. recognition of original human
and that is no poetry ..
so then ..
besides positing an arguable ' belief ', and challenging our concept of how smart we humans are, what's the point after all ?
i'm not so concerned with the marvel of the pluto rocket or 3D printing
my real issue is our spirituality
where are we in our Jesus-journey
where am i ..
when Jesus was about to leave here he said some things and prayed others, found in John's gospel version, chapters 14-17
he told his disciples that even though he was leaving, he wouldn't leave them alone
he was coming back
in spirit
and he would live in them
in them
and he included all of us in his prayer
i take that to mean i am inhabited by Jesus' spirit
which puts me on a really cool plane
'cause now i'm solidly on the way to being that pristine human i mentioned
i have the spirit of the Christ
i have ' the mind of the Christ ' (paul)
i am imaged after the Christ
what christianity has succeeded in doing is de-personalizing the Christimage
creating God in an image created after our think, operative word here being ' think ' ..
we have reduced God to a series of creeds and propositions, doctrines and dogmas, icons and books and position papers
while all the while God simply wants our heart ..
and the way there is by the spirit of God, not my brain
allowing the spirit to live and move and have spiritbeing in my being
swallowing me wholesale and gnawing on me, chewing away the hard parts to reveal the soft underside, the vulnerable me where Godself wants to go, be ..
we have removed ourself from Godself, inserted a vast ocean betwixt and between, and if we ever see God it's dimly, through this hazy polluted vastness, populated by our positions
only the spirit can see-through that
" ask me and i'll give you living water, a wellspring from within you, bubbling-up to life, full life .. you'll never get thirsty again "
" the spitit moves life the wind; you don't know where it comes from nor where it's going "
you can't plot the Spirit's course
she goes where she will, as she wills
those words from the lips of that perfected human are as engaging, as power-full as ever ..
they call us too, not just Nicodemas and the Samaritan woman ..
they call out to me
come, find life and rest in me
in me
"you search the scriptures for life-in-its-fullness; yet you reject me, of whom the scriptures bear witness .. come to me for life "
you will not find this Life in your dogmaticism, not in your denomination, not in your doomesticated liturgies
come to me
it is the Spirit that gives life, not the letter
the law carries the sting of death
the Spirit bears us out of death into freedom
liberation in Jesus
when God brazenly charged the humans with authority over God's Earth as GodRegents, it wasn't some poetic attempt at legitimizing YHWH
if that's so, then their capacity for carrying it out was innate .. it's a given
hence, we are mere approximations of our original forbears, severely underestimating the abiities we have, even, in my view, in this fallen broken evil-infected world
point being, we are empowered by CreatorGod to represent Godself, and Jesus was manifested to remind us of our heritage and to encourage us to reclaim whatever remains available to us in our devalued and deprived fallen condition .. albeit a condition remedied by the Spirit ..
i think our Spirit-filled self is capable of far more than we recognize, and that capability is useful for tangibly proclaimming the existence and power of the kingdom, when necessary
we must return to the spirit of the Newer Testament, turn to the Spirit within us, and ask God to show us what we are capable of, use us in healing this death-soaked world
i, for one, am dead tired of the debate and the denominating, the squabbles over whatever, the right and the left, the persistent drip drip of a christinity devoid of much of its power in today's world ..
bare mind-games
my God is still God; God is still concerned for Godimaged humanity, still determined to quell all the ranting of the oppositional powers, still invested in newly creating Earth in which God dwells with human
if i claim the name 'Jesus' as my identifier, if i look to walk his road, if my intention is for him to live through me to this world, i simply have to reassess the validity of my way of life, question my self as to my approximation of the manifestation of Jesus in my living, find the spirit of Jesus in me and go there
i covet that pristine power to be a representative of God on this planet, to manifest the person of Jesus in all his faithful ability to heal and undo the powers of darkness, to raise the oppressed out of their hellish existence, to relieve the poor, to bring light and life and vitality, even if it's only a vestige of the original
this has to be a vital part of the re-imagined humanity which Jesus exemplified
and i want to be utterly human