God ..
in our socially-tamed minds we have placed ourselves squarely in the realm of the flesh and blood of the material world
what we see and sense naturally is what is, what we respond to..
that's the natural state, where the child in us has been treated as a disorder and quite effectively silenced so that we can fit into our society of the great work ethic, entertainment ethic, etc.
individualistic tree stumps in a forest of spiritual dwarfs, rewarded by progressively expensive toys to soothe our disconnect from the truth of who we really are - bearers of Godimage, creatures designed with God in view..
if we can somehow dwell in that space for a little, often, let the remembrance of that flavor our mind for a time, perhaps we will be able to un-train out mind, recover our conscious self and recognize the God who is there, has been there all along, patiently waiting for us to respond to the call of God in us ..

you, and I, can talk with God today ..
an hour from now
commune with the lover of the universe who, in love, created it all, and invested it all with a plethora of various intricate beauty, all expressing that love ..
i'm not very 'good' at it ..
imagine it !
then respond
perhaps, for now, with a simple thank you ..
peace to you
Often times, I feel too casual, too irreverent, that I don't go into the closet, bow, and clasp my hands to pray.