if God is unsearchable, God's ways past finding out, God's thoughts not ours
if God is Creator of all things, unsurpassable power
if God is pure love, pure light, irrepressible..
then, in our striving to 'know' God, information is useful only at a very basic level, like a compass pointing us in a direction
the knowing is in the going, in the walking
if God is that big, our vision should be continually big-ening, expanding ..
if God is that infinite, our knowing can only grow by walking through the words out to the vision, looking for God with heart-eyes, calling out to the God who desires to be known by such a one as I with the mouth of my heart
God wants to be known, so God has revealed Godself ..
but God cannot be truly known by the finite mind, the cognitive self
God must be sought and found by the heart, the innermost self, where the imago Dei dwells by choice - pure light, pure love, pure God, however obscure ..
the heart leading, uses what is useful, dismisses what distracts, weighing us down, all the while prostrate under the indwelling Presence
I call out to you, O God
hear me .. listen to my call
here am I
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