there are reasons more and more people reject church today, or leave ..
and there are good reasons for doing it ..
- busted .. the preacher/elders/deacons/whoever kept pointing at my sin
- molested .. 'nuff said
- robbed .. too many, way too many thieves in the pulpit
- brainwashed .. although faith is a biggy for God (Heb 11.6), he expects us to test everything and allow Godspirit to be our arbitrator .. too many have realized late-on that they were misled and God was misrepresented
- imprisoned .. there are cults within the borders of christianity, and they are not easy to recognize from the inside, nor to leave
these unfortunates are deplorable; they do not represent Jesus or his vision or his desire for humanity
in our day, in our context, 'church' should serve as a refuge and an encouragement to step back into our world boldly in the comfort of our siblings in Christ
it should be a place of rest and recharge for that stepping back in
it should be a presence unlike any other where Godself is pleased to show up in person
it should be a reminder and a beckon to keep moving
it should be the place we go for acceptance of who we are without furrowed brows or judgement or cliquery
probably mostly, it should be a communion, an intimate fellowship of souls linked by the Spirit in them, a sharing of life, a spiritual chorus of praise, adoration and thanksgiving to God
.. i think
of like-minded people
inhabited by the spirit of Godself
sharing life
progressively maturing into the image of Jesus
on their way to a better place, a kingdom that will fruit in its time
attractively attracting the people they discover on their journey
in love
that's why i need to be among church
sharing in all that Love
experiencing en masse the powerful Spirit-presence of the living God
Jesus designed it
i need it
so do you
find it
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