right now
while someone dies
somebody got a job, and another lost their's
'just married!' ..
.. "i'm getting a divorce .."
thousands of refugees finally reach germany ..
" more refugees die at sea on their way to 'freedom' "
" i will not issue a marriage license! it's against God's law! " .. /
"welcome to Mercy"
yesterday i read a blog post explaining why kim davis is not a hypocrite
here http://www.patheos.com/blogs/frenchrevolution/2015/09/03/three-reasons-not-to-call-kentucky-clerk-kim-davis-a-hypocrite/
i thought on shutting my tongue, again ..
i posted this comment . .
" You're right .. Hypocrisy isn't the issue.
The issue is poor theology, a misunderstanding of who Jesus is and what he's about, and misrepresenting God to everyone out there.
And the fault probably lies in where she got her teaching. There is a serious dearth of genuine Christian doctrine and teaching in this country, and the people that reap the reward for that are my neighbor and God.
Sad, that. Tragic. "
and got back .. " If you believe the Bible teachers it's okay for two men or two women to marry I wish I could be standing beside you when you meet God because that is going to be interesting. "
i'm seriously considering whether to respond to that response to my response .. this could go on for ever ..
regardless, i'll be sure to ask Jesus when i see him
a preacher sang a message today .. it was all about hindering God
or not
coincidentally the tune re-sounded to the blog post ..
what on earth do we do with LGBT as christians
and the poor
and the immigrant
illegal too
and the blacks 'n mexicans 'n jews 'n american indian - them ferners
the homeless
the addicted
the mentally sick
like, all those people that live out there, outside our garden walls
slummin' it
them that ain't like us
the text was Acts 11, a rehash of Peter's interview with God when he was told not to profane things God had made holy
which is really strange
because all along the Jewish deal was no-no to unclean animals and people ('gentiles'-so-called) and stuff like that, and circumcision as a mark in the flesh (of the male) (of all things) .. .
and then God just flips everything and calls him in for a training session, a visual, by the way, and knocks peter and the Jews' particularity clean off the pedestal
what's with that ?!
i mean .. i thought ..
i read the older testament
i know what it says
i lived in the lineage of my fathers for a thousand years
how can you just diss' all that .. God .. ?
.. ahem .. pardon me ..
the cut-off of that story is this: the up-to-then-jewish church recognized that peter's vision and experience with the roman, cornelius, was valid (since they too received the holy Spirit) .. those horrid gentiles were now 'in' .. they get a free pass, just like 'us'
wild stuff
absolutely life-shattering
" who was i to hinder God? "
those were peter's words to the First Christian Church of Jerusalem ..
like, i just shut my mouth, pretended like i understood what God was tellin' me, and went to visit cornelius .. period !
thing is, it was always God's plan to be the god of all people
and the old way is out
it was nailed to a cross outside the camp, dripping in blood
the pharisees' way was kaput
new wine
so let's grab some new wineskins
truth be told, it never was about davis and her religious rights
it was about love
besides confusing her 'faith' with her responsibility to the state, for which she should have resigned her position, she tried to force that faith-position of hers on everyone else ..
which nah wuk ..
been tried a million times, by the likes of Mr Calvin to boot, and failed every single time, bar none
cannot be forced ..
we should get that already
so while the french connection blogger person waits for God's response to my heresy, i think i'll go this route ..
you need to love the Lord your God with your heart mind soul body - everything you got ..
and then love your neighbour like if your neighbour was you
.. 'cause on those 2 things the entire law and the prophets and the writings hang
soaked in blood
not the substitute blood of animals
the blood of a human, sufficient for all people everywhere whenever
of whatever colour stripe religion nationality sexuality class occupation dwelling .. or not

'cause i'm going to follow that man
the perfected revelation of God
hence the division
the lines in the sand
i been there - protestant evangelical conservative fundamentalist
i been converted, that you very much
welcome to mercy
peace to you
and grace
through Jesus, my Lord
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