oboy ..
sadly i happened to pause for as long as i could bear it, like 3 minutes, on a televised 'christian' broadcast last night
oboy ..
and heard a panel of leaders in the evangelical movement enumerating the heresies of the roman catholic church
oboy . ..
and i thought ' how convenient .. ' ..
'cause like the evangelical church is failing in its influence in the public sphere
in matter like caring for the poor
defending the abused
sharing our wealth (even in the Godblessed US there is a hugely massive gap between rich and rest
rescuing the perishing
caring for God's planet Earth, which was the very first charge to the very first humans
.. things like that
and so these here folks defend the other side of the christian world = evangelical by throwing rocks as the very person who used an amazing opportunity to speak truth to the world
followed by the internet postings that warn us of the pope's leadership in bringing in the OneWorld religion and hastening the End Times and the dreaded Tribulation ..
tell me, truth is truth ain't it ??
regardless of the source, truth is truth
and you'll find in the comments attached to the link below (to the pope's address to the UN) similar derogatory comments wrapped in rocks and thrown heartily by other minds boxed in caskets ..
them be the fundamentalist conservative christians of our day
me ..? i run from these folk
run like hell
can't handle them anymore
.. i wuz one for a long time
meanwhile the heretic head of the dread RC church, with which i do have serious theological differences, by the way, bears remarkable testimony to the God of all
following up on that speech, the gentleman offered an even more direct and detailed encouragement to world leaders, some of whom have never been there, others not for many years, at the UN today
i have made comments that i support the public worldview of this particular pope
how could i do otherwise ?
ahmmmmm .. doesn't that sound like Jesus .. kinda .. like ?
truth will always be truth ..
here's the link
peace to you
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