The quotation is taken from Frederic Godet's commentary on John at John 1:14
"The proposition, 'the Word became flesh', can only, as it seems to me, signify one thing, viz. that the divine subject entered into the human mode of being at the cost of renouncing His divine mode of being.
The personal subject remained the same, but He exchanged the divine state for the human state;
and if at a later time He recovers His divine state, it is not by abandoning the human - he has too seriously appropriated it to himself - but by exalting the latter to the height of the former.
which he will gradually transform so as to render it in the end capable of possessing all the attributes of the former."
and i concur
so so very glad i found someone in the same lonely boat
"One of the most influential and widely-cited conservative scholars from nineteenth-century Europe, Frédéric Louis Godet contributed enormously to New Testament scholarship and the debate over biblical inspiration. As the author of more than a dozen New Testament commentaries and an expert on the life of Paul and the Pauline epistles, Godet is rightfully remembered as one of the most influential conservative voices in European biblical scholarship."
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