.. omit me
.. submit you
as i sit in my comfort, safety, sufficiency
i wonder at the world
the masses outside comfort, running for safety, begging for sufficiency
and then i wonder
at me
who am i really
if not living-out loving mercy, doing justice, humbly walking with my God
else i fail at being human
at humanbeing
at being disciple to the Human
as life flows by undammed for us all
sometimes rapids
sometime meander
always leaking
headed down
towards the eternal sea
to meet the masses there
to be lifted once more to the heavens
resurrected, refreshed, reconnected to Source
Living Water
purified to water earth
promote life
in light of the Son
parched earth
is there no moisture in my bones to offer
must i languish here, whatever moisture there be just dissipating
have i no pail ..
or no strength ..
am i to merely puddle in this spot
wasted water ..
i pray You
before dry bones mark some anonymous spot
good only for some feral dog to gnaw
or some slippery serpent lair
can these bones live ? ..
You know ..
.. "O dry bones, hear the word of the Lord
Behold, I will cause breath to enter you, and you shall live.
And I will lay sinews upon you, and will cause flesh to come
upon you, and cover you with skin, and put breath in you,
and you shall live, and you shall know that I am the Lord."
.. Come from the four winds, O breath, and breathe
breathe, O Breath
I believe we all have seasons of life where we are dried up and longing to be saturated. Maybe the saturation comes from finding that place and staying in that place of respite till the pin hole in the dam ever so slowly seeps more and more and more the refreshment needed till the dry becomes moist and eventually no matter how long it takes is full to overflowing again with that water of life. It's Then the peace of freedom is comfortable enough to freely breathe again~ d