i dont know which is my mostest favourite .. spring or fall ..
it's falling right now, so i guess this is it
i love the colour
but there's that nagging thought in the midsection of my brainthink that resurects itself - winter's coming
and i hate winter ..
every bone in my body cries out to be warmed
every muscle tenses at the cold
.. it's a tense time for me
and i spend much of it anticipating the resurrection of warmth
via that sun
the sun is the redeeming icon of winter for me
one day i'm going to tattoo that sun (as part of a more iconic symbol) onto my back
i never ever tire of the awe of it all, and i'm sure if i retrace my blogsteps i'd find similar posts falling around this time in years gone by ..
i must get deep into the mountains soon
camera astrap
dog in tow
i relish that
the cycle of life
we humans arrive, grow, live, degenerate and die
pretty awful when it's put like that ..
simply awful
but we know the 70 or 90 (or 50) years we have are a whole lot more complicated than that simplistic statement
a whole lot more
there's great food and sparse cupboards
wonderful moms and mothers that abuse
schooldays missed and bullying
teenage flirts and rejection
upscale careers and production lines
3 bed homes and doublewides
retirement and 'homes' where you go to die
.. even that's a precis ..
that look that made your day and the comment that unmade it
the kind gesture of an opened door, the harsh bark of an angry boss ..
a thank-you card, a note slipped in your lunchbox, sharing a samich with your bestie, kicking around a (real) football on the beach, a beer and some laughable chat, coffee and a good read, the squeeze of a tiny fist around your finger ..
the 'friend' that inserted the knife blade, that illness that ruined your vacation, a backhanded slap, the soul-tearing disappointment of love-to-be lost, family feuds and broken thanksgivings, no reply to your application, $32.18 in the bank, eviction notice, what-the-hell-happened-to-my-church ? ..
now multiply that by 100 a month for 60 years ..
then add a ton of other disappointments and pleasured moments
and maybe you get a life
the cycle of life ..
richard rohr spoke to that some, recently
but his focus was on the 'downside' of life in that particular speak ..
his comments centered around the embracing of suffering as the definitive characteristic of truly human
as per Jesus, the real human, the ultimate ..
he took our brokenness within himself, acknowledged it, knew it, understood it, experienced it, in love, for us
he embraced our demise and made Life from the mix
that's a whole lot different than it is for us in our natural state of being
we rebel, in disgust, begrudge, respond aggressively, hate, search-out vengeance, sometimes many years after the fact, blare at God, dismember our fellow church 'member' ..
we carry the hurts as scars to be recounted, bruises on our shirtsleeves, all black-and-blued and obviously resentful of life and what i've suffered ..
quite unlike Jesus
there's a theme related to suffering in this life
it runs thick red with depth, breadth of soul, compassion, relatedness to this world in which we live and to the others that share it with us, mercy, caring, forgiveness, sorrow for others' hurts, compassion, forgiveness, a right view of money and possessions and the relatedness of giving and sharing, compassion, respect for each life - not only for those that fall into our clique and church and our view of socially acceptable, relief of the aching heart of a friend, a heart that runs toward the abused and downtrodden, compassion ..
suffering can breed beautiful crowfeet on the soul, lines that betray a soul well traveled, wisdom from beyond ..
if we let it
it's almost like .. it's a privilege to suffer .. . . .
although it took a lot to write that statement
a whole lot
do i really believe that ? ..
you .. . ?
do i really believe that Jesus became my sin
took it
in himself
shared in the ruin of me
the brokenness of my life
that right there is the secret to knowing life
Life, with a cap
true life
for when i take that perspective on as mine, mine
i see God as Godself truly is
in all God's glorious beauty
relief and release for the hurting and abused and downtrodden
rescue from the detriment
the dislocation
the separation from GodCreator
reinstallation in the family of God
that was accomplished through suffering the humiliation of being human
the final humiliation of human death
for the God that was
that became human
for us
how can we let that go
let it pass
like another autumn
like the fleeting coloured grandeur of summerfade, winterdawn ..
just another season ..
i cannot
simply put, it's far too dangerous to Life
to my life, lived
it is the most astounding revelation to humanity ever
and it calls-out for a response that engages the all of me
every ounce
every molecule
every neuron
every intangible piece and part of me
i cannot but respond wholeheartedly, wholemindedly, wholesoulily, wholebodily
for that, my friend, is true life lived
life lived in fullness
in honour of that Man who loves me
and you
like we were his very own brothers and sisters
cofamily with him in the family of God who love us so, in just this way, that the very life of GodFirstborn could be willingly given for us
if that doesn't speak to us .. .
i'm not sure what ever will
respect to the One that suffered for me
may i learn that attitude
and attitude that
the Fall of nature carries with it a beauty that can sustain us through winterdeath ..
bring us out on the other side more mature for our weathering
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