God backs-off
just pulls a reverse
leaves us there
leaves ..
God abandons us
for a time
have you ever cried-out to God
got no response

nothing there ..
" where are you ! ?? "
" why don't you answer me ? ... . ? " ?
i know the scripture .. ' i will never leave you nor forsake you ' ..
God doesn't forsake us
God forsakes us
for a time
for our good
one of Hebrews' issues is God's testing us
and it's a point worthy of serious consideration, because it's repeated throughout, with warnings attached
the prime illustrator used is Israel
rightly so, since they were the people God was going to use to win the world back
God displayed a strong arm in bringing them out of slavery in Egypt, humbling the Egyptians,
using a man God had humbled 40 years,
a runner-from Egypt, for murder
a man who had been raised as son of the imperial court
taught and trained under the best
God does things in wavy freaky twisty ways
befuddling the mind ..
God releases them, forcibly
leads them out
then God
them ..
o, they saw the cloud, the fire
but they didn't see God
or hear God
only Moses did
and they got antsy
accused Moses
accused God
said they wanted to
go back
it wasn't a big deal for God to give them meat
and water ..
when they got tired of the sameol-sameol manna
eventually God did
what God was driving-at was
' are you with me ? '
' are you in ? '
as in in for the long haul
in, regardless
as in ' do you trust me ? ' .. ?
that is the issue with God
' i need you to be my child, to show the world who i am, what i am ..
but i need to know i can trust you ..
can i .. ? ' ..
so God simply stepped-back
to see what they would do
and they did respond
but not with faith
they responded with rebel
the Good News was preached to them too, just like it is to us
but it accomplished nothing in themm
because they didn't respond in faith
with trust
faith didn't get in the mix ..
so God rejected them
God said ' you will not enter my Rest ' ..
God had promised them a land of their own
a land ' flowing with milk and honey '
and God was dead-on serious .. some eventually got there, got that ..
but not this generation, God did that for the next generation of Israel
and then ..
God tested them
and then, God tested
and tests
to this day
.. Rest
God is into testing
because God is not into mouthing-off
not into pretense
facades and whitewash
talk talk
labels and tattooed crosses
fancy church buildings
displays and promotions
God is real
God wants real
more than anything
that's why God refuses the sacrifices and offerings and ..
God says ' don't bring it; i don't want it '
lots of talk and posturing
but your heart
is far from me
your heart
from me
' i rejected them
'cause they rejected me .. '
God isn't a fool
God is not a human that God lies
or doesn't see our lieing
our facade
painted face for the world
God is into real
when we come to God
bring the real
consider ..
if we're going to be ' christian ', follow Christ
best do that
as in ' do ' that
and not play
games ..
God is so not into playing games
when times get tough
when we lose-out
when people walk away
when ' friends ' un-friend
when all seems lost
and we stand there ..
all alone
where to turn ?
who is out there ?
what do i do now ?
where to now ?
that is just the time to hang-on ..
hang on !
do not turn back
don't do it ..
back there is slavery, bondage, inhuman
how can we turn back
after tasting of the Spirit and the gifts and the release and experiencing God in all Godgoodness ..
it's impossible to renew to repentance those that do ..
they do despite unto the Spirit of grace
trample underfoot the Son
and treat the blood of the covenant as if it were a vulgar thing
we must hold on
God is God
what else is there ?
.. even when God is not there
because even when God is not there
God is there
God isn't playing games, friend
God is serious
about us
about you
and me
God wants us in
as in all in
as in committed, whatever the cost, whatever .. regardless
God tests our resolve ..
are we serious about this
or just playin' ?
using God for convenience, when it suits us ..
then when things get rough ..
man .. i'm not doing this anymore
it is those that endure
refuse to turn back
patiently waiting on God to God it
those are the children of God
friend, what child doesn't experience discipline
if you do, it's proof you are God's child
be thankful your GodParent treats you like a Godchild
recognize it for what it is
bear-up in that discipline
God wants us to share in GodHoliness
God wants Godchildren that experience Godholiness
know what it is to share in Godnature
understand who God is
in all Godfullness
filled with all the fullness of Godself
one with God
God in us
us in God
what is it worth to you ..
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