not there
nor into the camping out for a week to see it
what's with that ??
that's not crazy, it's a freakin' addiction, or mental disorder ..
maybe someday when the hoopla dies and people dry out, or get psych help ..
kinda like the same way i buy my jeans - used, and not-the-latest-model
perhaps in the (conservative) evangelical drive to hush the ecstatic expression of christianity in its pentecostal and charismatic forms (glossolalia, healing gifts, etc.) it has hushed too the voice of the prophet ..
and that's bad news ..
for in so doing a much-needed voice in this christian west is silenced
or merely murmurs
( the prophet of whom i speak is not the Predicter (we like to associate
prophecy with foretelling), but the Messenger of God with a message ..
there is a difference )
it seems to me that that voice is precisely the missing ingredient in the secularised politicised entertainmentised euthanised mostly-irrelevant church in this Earth today ..
that bold calling from the fringe, the border, the gutter of Christ's church, recalling a called-out people
this christianity has walked away from its god
leaving God in the streets
hiding in impressive castles among the cliqued
safe and secure in its dogmas and doctrines and rituals
certain that God is in control
while humanity suffers outside the gate
where Jesus went ..
we need that prophetic voice back
to bring amazing shock to this languishing Relic
rousing it from the comfy pew
blasting its lackadaisicality
reminding it of its place in the Earth
calling for repentance from dead works to vibrant faith that works ..
faith that works
a locust-and-wild-honey voice that speaks from the wilderness
that loudcalls " prepare the way of the Lord ! "
to the kings that be ..
not the secular presidents and prime ministers and sheiks
but the religious royalty in the pulpit and seminary
only the prophet can dislodge the power-clergy
open the ears of the people
drown-out the mummifying drone of the pulpit
break-down the walls
smudge-out the clean lines that divide the secure pew-bound
from the hungry, the poor, the orphan, the alien, the homeless,
the addict, the refugee, the muslimjewhinduatheist ..
for just there
right there
over there
is Jesus ..

perhaps the evangelical was wrong
perhaps prophecy didn't die-out
perhaps it just went to sleep
methinks it's time for the prophet to awake
God knows
religion sure could use a wild-honey tongued wildman
walking the fringes of christianity
calling-out the church
to righteousness
in the street
where are you, o prophet ?
arise !
it's time for the awakening force ..
it's past time
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