what with smiles and holding doors and generally kindnesses everywhere ..
everybody changes at Christmas somehow..
As the food and the merriment flow, it would do us well to pause, just for a moment, and consider ..
this celebration and unaccountable embrace we share is a brief encounter with a promise from on high - "and of his peace there will be no end" .. a promise in hope, of hope, that one good day the king of peace will reign, and peace will spread across the earth, a welling flood of cool clear refreshing
And consider..
while some of us share smiles and goodwill with our Earthmates, there are far too many of us for whom this is not their experience today - they sit alone somewhere, observing from a distance.. maybe soldiering in foreign lands, or familyless, or homeless, or refugeeing in fear..
Just a pause is all I ask
and a prayer
to the one who cares desperately for each of us ..
an acknowledgement of Godlove in the face of Jesus, Son of Human, who willingly and with aforethought walked away from his place of Peace, left his home, and became one of us in our place of Nopeace, to share in our plight ..
himself homeless at times, a refugee at times, forsaken at times, ridiculed and laughed-at at times ..
so that we might share in his inheritance - so that we too might be called children of God ..
a prayer of intercession for the hurting
a prayer of thanks for the lowly child that one day would wash the feet of his humanity
peace to you
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