maybe try somehow to balance-out the crap that christianity is serving-up to the world at large
i thought today of visiting a mosque
just so they know there's a white Jesus-follower who has no problem with their presence in this country, practicing their religion and all ..
.. and i've started looking into that
meanwhile, i spoke to a good christian friend, and during the conversation i told them my think ..
i fairly well knew the response i would get
basically all muslims want the world in their power, not only the radical jihadists
and then there was the Muhammad thing - a most violent person ..
and the battles they have fought and people killed
and .. .
and i thought ..
wait .. . . ... .
hang on a minute .. have you read the older testament?
and do you know that David was refused by God when he told God he wanted to build a temple for God ? .. because David's hands were too bloodied ?
and have you read the ' commands ' that God gave to israel to wipe-out wholesale nations of people, including women and children and old people ?
and, just in case the response then is, " well, that's the old testament ", might i point out Constantine ? ..
and might i also point out the Crusades, one of the bloodiest rapacious escapades ever ?
both of those were conducted after Christ, and in the good name of Christianity, under the sign of the cross of Jesus Christ ..
not to mention the horrors of the Inquisition under the roman catholic church ..
or the unmentionable subjugation, and in some cases annihilation, of peoples across the planet by the christianized europeans, often, again, in God's name ..
so .. listen .. when your pot is black you should be careful in accusing the kettle ..
in our times, not too long ago, people were sold and bought as personal property
in this country
and were beaten and killed and raped because they were considered to be non-human
and that with open bibles at hand, quoted to boot ..
and too, if memory serves me, it was 1964 that one the Good Reverend MLK had to endure hardship alongside many many blacks in this country because the legal abolition of slavery had never really been met in the street called Reality in the 100 years since abolition
and lost his life alongside many many black people in their unrelenting pursuit of the happiness and the constitutional declaration that all people are created equal

so, when we talk about Islam wanting to subjugate the world ..
we need to look our white christian face in the mirror first
and remove the plank from our eye
and then
love that muslim
in Jesus' name
for he too is created in the image of God
peace be unto you
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