i live on the edge of the sky
from here you get to see the stars up close
even if you're blind
and you get to stargaze in reverse
looking down on the lights below where the other Earthers live
i've heard the sound of air brushed aside by silent wings
sometimes close by
i live on a stairway that goes up up into the light-spotted dark ..
there must be millions of steps above me
but i'm not ready to climb higher
i still go down every day and walk among the others
and talk and work and eat and stuff
but i always come back here to this ledge
sometimes when the stars are aligned just so, you can hear music as wind cuts their corners
a delightful wooing sound like nothing i've heard before
i'm alone here on the edge of the sky
but i don't mind it a bit
i feel safe
sometimes it gets a bit cold and i have to curl up with my fourfooted friend for warmth
sometimes it gets real dark when the stars go off someplace else
i know it's a bit weird
coming up here
away from my Earthfellows ..
sometimes i get the feeling they think i'm strange
and i suppose i am
it likely accounts for my naivete ..
that's ok
they're my friends and i like them
i do most anything to help them when they get in trouble
but i have to get away
i can't handle 24/7 Earth
the darkness is so beautiful
and the silence so musical here
there's space here to think ..
i can't say too much about what i think about
but i know there's this city at the top of the stairway
and nobody dies there .. it's crazy, i know
and people don't get sick either ..
.. it's a really cool place
one day i'm going to climb higher, maybe sneak a peek ..
but for now i think i'll hang here on my ledge on the edge of the sky
i'm thinking about maybe learning to fly
the climb down and back every day is a killer ..
the thought of cutting into the wind, spiraling glides and ferocious turns ..
i like that ..
i've heard the sound of air shoved aside by silent wings
sometimes very close by
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